Coming Soon
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Last updated
On enabling the Development mode it will your website to offline mode and a static Coming Soon page will be displayed. You will also be open to options for customizing your Coming Soon page including:
1. Logo Here you can select a logo that will be displayed on the coming soon page, the default template logo is displayed if not selected.
2. Countdown Date You can set a date for the countdown when your site will be going live.
3. Social Icons You can enable/disable whether you want to show the social icons or not. These icons are configured in Social Section.
4. Content Enter the description for your website’s coming soon page.
5. Background Type You can choose the background of the page from the given options: Color, Image or Video and if you do not want anything to be displayed select None.
None: If you don’t want any type of background on your background page then you can leave this option to its default set value None.
Color: If you want to have a background color on your coming soon page then you can set select color as the value and select your preferred color from this option and customize the styling options accordingly.
if you enable the color mode, you'll see options to adjust the background color for both light and dark modes.
Image: If you want to have a background Image on your coming soon page then you can select an image as the value and select your preferred color from this option and customize the styling options accordingly.
Video: If you want to have a background Video on your coming soon page then you can set select video as the value and select your preferred video from this option.