Image Widget
Images play a vital role in web design, so you will most likely use the Image Widget a lot while designing your website. Let’s go over all of the settings you can control for this widget.
How to add an Image widget
You need to create a new section, choose a grid layout and click adding a new element. By adding a new element, you will see a popup including all the widgets available.
Simply choose the Image widget from the Widget list, then it'll be added to the layout's section where you want to add a Image widget.
The Image Widget consists of 4 main settings tabs:
General Settings
Design Settings
Responsive Settings
Menu Assignment
I. Image Widget - General Settings
Element Title: Enter the element title.
Select Image: Upload an image from your media library.
Use Link: Enable this option if you want to link the image to a page or an external source.
Widget Style
Max Width: Define the max width of the image.
Border Radius: Choose an option for border-radius (Rounded, Circle, Pill or none).
Rounded Size: If you choose a rounded border, you can choose a size for the rounded border.
Box Shadow: Choose a type of box shadow from the dropdown.
Hover Effect: Click the dropdown to choose a Hover effect.
Hover Transition: Click the dropdown to choose a Hover transition.
Custom Class: Custom Class can be used for writing custom CSS or JS.
Custom ID: Give a custom ID to override the auto-generated ID
III. Responsive Settings
Device Visibility: Choose your preference for hiding or showing the section on different screens like:
Hide on Extra Small Devices
Hide on Small Devices
Hide on Medium Devices
Hide on Large Devices
Hide on Extra Large Devices
IV. Widget's Menu Assignment
Since Astroid framework 3.0.12, the menu assignment feature has been introduced, which is applied to widgets available in Astroid's widget library.
You can choose between On all pages, No pages, Only on the pages selected from the List.
On all pages: the widget will be visible on all pages of your website
No pages: the widget will be invisible on all pages
Only on the pages selected: "Menu Selection" will show with all the menu items on. You can assign the widget by selecting the menu links that you want the widget associated with on what pages the widget appears.
Last updated