Site Menu Method

Since Astroid 3.0.15, you can find a new feature about the site menu module that allows you to choose a menu display method. By default, the site presents the default Joomla menu directly.

However, thanks to the new feature, you can choose a menu module to present the menu. When you enable to display menu position, you'll see options to choose the module position for both desktop and mobile menus.

I. Create Astroid menu modules

Create a new module with the module type "Astroid Menu".

  1. Create Astroid menu module for site mode: Module position: assign the module to the position "Astroid-header-menu"

  • Select menu: Choose a menu.

  • Base item: Choose a menu's base item.

  • Start level: Set the menu's start level

  • End level: Set the menu's end level

  • Sub-menu items: Enable this option to show sub-menu items.

  • Menu mode: Choose a menu mode that you want to display the menu module on. (Choose Site).

  • Dropdown arrow: Enable this option to show the dropdown arrow beside a menu item containing sub-menus.

  • Animation duration: Set the length of time that an animation takes to complete one cycle.

  • Animation: Choose an animation from the drop-down list.

  • Easing: Choose an easing option.

  • Drop-down trigger: Choose a type of dropdown trigger (Hover or Click).

  • Menu breakpoint: Choose a breakpoint on which the burger button shows up.

  1. Create a new Astroid menu module for the mobile mode. Choose the menu mode "Mobile". Assign the menu module to the position: "Astroid-header-mobilemenu"

II. Choose the Site Menu Method and assign module positions

Go to Template options > Headers > Site Menu Method / Mobile Meu Method. Here you can choose the module position for the site and mobile menu methods.

  • Site menu method: Choose a menu method for the desktop menu: "Default" or module position.

  • Site module position: if module position is selected, you can choose a module position of the menu module you want from the drop-down list. (Choose the module position: Astroid-header-menu).

  • Mobile menu method: Choose a menu method for the mobile menu (Default or module position).

  • Mobile menu position: If the module position is selected above, you can choose a module position of the menu module you want for the mobile menu from the drop-down list. (Choose the module position: Astroid-header-mobilemenu).

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