Column Settings

Column has just 1 Edit Column icon that is used for customizing. Choose the grid or the number of columns from the Edit grid option.

When you click on Edit Column icon, a popup opens that has 3 different tabs General Settings, Design Settings & Responsive Settings. With these settings you can customize your column easily.

General Settings

Under tab this the options are as follows:

  • Column Title- Give the column a name of your choice

  • Custom Class- Write the class name used for writing custom CSS or JS.

  • Custom ID- Give a custom ID to override the auto-generated ID.

Design Settings

Under this tab the options are as follows:

  • Animation- Choose animation for the section. You can also set the Animation Delay time in the next step.

  • Background Type- Select the background type for your section from None, Color, Image, Video or even add a Gradient.

  • Custom Colors- Choose whether you want to enable or disable the custom colors for the section. If you enable it then you have the option to set Text Color, Link Color & Link Hover Color of the section’s content.

  • Spacing- Add margin and padding values over the row to improve its appearance on different devices.

Responsive Settings

Under this tab the only option is:

  • Device Visibility- Here you can set the breakpoints of the columns on different devices.

Last updated

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