Map Widget

The Map widget offers a straightforward way to embed Google Maps in your website. This is very useful for contact pages, so visitors can know where you are.

How to add a Map widget to the layout builder

In the layout, you need to create a new section, choose a grid layout and click adding a new element. Adding a new element will show a popup including all the widgets available.

Simply choose the Map widget from the Widget panel, and then it'll be added to the layout section where you want to add the widget.

The Map widget settings come with 4 different settings tabs:

  • General Settings

  • Design Settings

  • Responsive Settings

  • Menu Assignment

I. Map - General Settings

General Options

In the general options, you can see options to choose a map type (Basic or advanced), input the address location of the exact place, and Map height.

  • Location: Enter the address location you wish to display

  • Height: Set the height of the map

Map Options

  • Zoom: Set the zoom level of the map

II. Map - Design Settings

  • Element Visibility: Choose to set the element to be visible on "Current and all linked pages", or on "Current menu items only".

  • Animation: Choose an animation for the widget.

  • Max Width: Set the Max Width for the widget.

  • Text Alignment: Set the alignment of the text of the widget.

  • Background Type: Select the background type for the widget from None, Color, Image, Video or even add a Gradient.

  • Custom Color: Choose whether you want to enable or disable the custom colors for the widget. If you enable it then you have the option to set Text Color, Link Color & Link Hover Color of the element’s content.


Add margin and padding values over the row to improve its appearance on different devices.

III. Map - Responsive Settings

Device Visibility: Choose your preference for hiding or showing the section on different screens like:

  • Hide on Extra Small Devices

  • Hide on Small Devices

  • Hide on Medium Devices

  • Hide on Large Devices

  • Hide on Extra Large Devices

IV. Widget's Menu Assignment

Since Astroid framework 3.0.12, the menu assignment feature has been introduced, which is applied to widgets available in Astroid's widget library.

You can choose between On all pages, No pages, Only on the pages selected from the List.

  • On all pages: the widget will be visible on all pages of your website

  • No pages: the widget will be invisible on all pages

  • Only on the pages selected: "Menu Selection" will show with all the menu items on. You can assign the widget by selecting the menu links that you want the widget associated with on what pages the widget appears.

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