Slideshow Widget

The Slideshow widget allows you to create and customize slide presentations or carousels directly within your WordPress website.

With this widget, you can easily showcase images, content, or any other media in a list of slides. It’s a popular feature for creating sliders, testimonials, product showcases, and more.

I. How to add a slideshow widget to the layout builder

You can add a slideshow widget to your layout builder by simply adding a new element in the layout and selecting the widget from the Astroid library.

Simply choose the Slideshow widget from the Widget list, then it'll be added to the layout's section where you want to add the widget.

II. Slideshow widget Settings

The Slideshow Settings consists of 3 tabs:

  • General Settings

  • Design Settings

  • Responsive Settings

1. General Settings

1.1 Add slideshow items

From the General Settings tab, you can click on Add Item button to add new slideshow items.

  • Select image: Upload an image or select an image from your media library.

  • Title: Input a title for the slide

  • Meta: Add a meta description for the slide

  • Description: Input the description for the slide

  • Link: Add a link to a call-to-action button on the slide

  • Link Text: Add the link text for the call-to-action button

  • Link target: Choose a type of link target from the drop-down list of options

1.2. Slideshow Options

  • Min height: Set the min-height of the slide images

  • Effect type: Choose an effect type

  • Autoplay: Enable this option to activate the autoplay feature

  • Interval: Set the interval time

  • Border radius: Select a type of border-radius.

  • Box Shadow: Choose a shadow type

  • Hover box-shadow: Choose an option for hover box shadow.

1.3 Slideshow's Overlay Options

  • Max-Width: Choose an option for the overlay's max-width

  • Overlay Position: Select a position for the overlay

  • Overlay Text Color: Set the color of the text on the overlay

  • Overlay Color: Set the overlay color on both light and dark mode

  • Overlay Padding: Choose an option for the overlay's padding

1.4 Slideshow's Title Options

In the Title options, you will see a bunch of options to configure the title of the slideshow including HTML element, font styles (font family, alt font family, font weight, font size, letter spacing, line height, font color, text transform, font style).

You can also adjust the margin-top, right, bottom, and left of the slideshow titles.

1.5 Slideshow's Meta Options

In the Meta options, you also see the same options as the Title options to configure the meta text on the slideshow including HTML element, font styles (font family, alt font family, font weight, font size, letter spacing, line height, font color, text transform, font style).

You can also adjust the margin-top, right, bottom, and left of the meta.

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