Astroid Framework is develop with simplicity and ease of use in mind. Astroid lets you manage every aspect of your Joomla website without writing a single line of code. Its intuitive interface helps you build performant and responsive websites the easy way.
Astroid is also a powerful modern framework for designers & advanced developers alike. Designers can appreciate its incredible flexibility to build exactly what is in their minds without compromises. For developers, it ensures extremely fast and robust Joomla-based websites and templates based on the latest web technologies standard.
Available in multiple languages, Astroid is proud of its lean modern code built entirely around the core power of Joomla. No re-inventing the wheel like other bulky frameworks bypassing Joomla's fantastic abilities and forcing users to adopt their awkward proprietary systems.
Astroid gives you total integration and even enhances all Joomla capabilities making this CMS a Winner of the most prestigious Awards year after year over WordPress and other well-known CMS.
See the “CMS Critic” Awards Page (worldwide recognized most trusted CMS Industry resource, News and reviews channel since 2008)
Astroid Framework v1.0 was born in 2018 and built by JoomDev, a long-time well-known Joomla team of talented developers. In 2021 they decided to release this beautifully crafted framework to Open Source (Like Joomla). Their last release was v2.5.4 (32 releases in all).
Templaza, another well-known Joomla & WordPress team of developers, works with Joomdev to develop Astroid and bases their own Joomla templates on the Astroid framework. When release to Open Source, Templaza decided to carry the torch to the future.
In 2023, Templaza (and the growing community) released more than 20 new versions, enhancing this already great Framework and doing so regularly.
• Templaza Releases on Github • Templaza Astroid Templates
Many international Devs, like Joomlaplate in Germany, and other great coders worldwide and numerous contributors are now participating in this great project and also producing Astroid Templates. e.g. Joomlaplates Astroid Templates
If you are a coder, a developer, a user or simply have suggestions, don't hesitate! Visit Us on: Github Discord YouTube
To know more about what all Astroid has to offer read the documentation
The layout manager in Astroid is one of the core engines that drives Astroid and it can be cumbersome at times with so many options. We will use this tutorial to simplify it and go through all the available options. In the above image, you can see different colors and numbers representing settings for different areas in the Layout Manager.
Hold the icon to move the section up or down in the layout manager.
Edit the section-level settings.
Duplicate the section.
Delete the section.
Add a new section adjacent to the current.
Restructure the number of columns in the current section.
Edit the column-level settings. (Number 7 is for column-level settings)
Edit the element settings.
Duplicate the element.
Delete the element.
Add a new element inside the current column.
Add a new row below the current row.
Duplicate the row.
Edit row Settings.
Astroid is structured in the following way:
- Sections (You can have unlimited sections)
--Rows (Inside each section, you can have unlimited rows, rows stand vertically inside a section.)
---Columns (Inside each row, you can have a maximum of 12 columns, this is based on the standard bootstrap Grid system, Columns are horizontal containers.)
----Elements (Inside each column you can have unlimited elements, elements stand vertically inside the column.)
Animations, Custom Background options & Responsive settings are available for sections, columns and elements.
You can move elements within the columns. You can move columns within the section. You can move sections within the layout.
Section level settings Custom classes, ID and layout overrides Custom colors
Row Level Settings Custom classes & ID
Column level settings Custom classes & ID Custom colors
Element level settings Custom classes, ID (module position (for module position element only)).
4 types of elements
Component (Core Joomla, non-repeatable)
Messages (Core Joomla, non-repeatable)
Banner (Astroid Feature, non-repeatable)
Module(s) (Core Joomla, repeatable)
Astroid is a powerful modern framework tailored for designers and developers or simply assists you in building your first website. Its intuitive interface helps you create fully responsive, fast & robust Joomla-based websites and templates. Astroid uses the last mainstream web technologies and fully integrates and enhances the core abilities of Joomla.
Built for Joomla 4, Joomla 5 & Beyond!
Build Fast Loading Websites
Structure 100% Responsive with Advanced per Devices User Controls
Bootstrap 5 Compatible, Sass Ready, Custom CSS & SCSS files if needed
Ergonomic Drag & Drop Layout Builder with Total Design Flexibility
Flexible Logo and Header Options (Retina Logo, “Sticky” Menu, Layout Controls...)
Font Awesome 6 (External or Local Load)
Social Icons, Phone & Share
Accessible Design & Text Directions RTL/LTR Ready
Sections & Elements Animations plus Extensive Background Controls
Advanced Menus Options (Pages Banners, Icons, Subtitles, Badges...)
Off-Canvas Sections & Powerful “Mega Menu” Options
Advanced Typography Controls for External (Google...) or Self-Hosted Fonts
Advanced Blog Options (Author Info, Related Articles, Read Time, Social Share, Comments...)
Custom Article Type options (Videos, Gallery, Audio, Review, Quote & Articles Badges...)
Unlimited Integration of Custom Code & files (Javascript,, CSS, Tracking Code...)
Custom Profiles & Themes with Import/Export Settings
Lazy Loading & JS & CSS Code Optimization
Open Graph
Total integration of Joomla Child Templates Ability
Ajax Admin & Light & Dark Colors Themes with Visitors Switch
Enhanced User Experience. Build the Design in Your Head, Easily.
Refactored Codebase, Better Every Versions
Available in multiple languages
Powerful Widget System
And More ...
Only Enable What You Need & Ask Us for New Features!
Got 2 minutes? Check out a video overview of our product:
Follow our handy guides to get started on the basics as quickly as possible:
Good to know: the product docs aren't just a reference of all features! use them to encourage folks to perform certain actions and discover the value of our product.
Learn the fundamentals of Astroid Framework to get a deeper understanding of the main features:
Good to know: Splitting your product into fundamental concepts, objects, or areas can be a great way to let readers deep dive into the concepts that matter most to them. Combine guides with this approach to 'fundamentals' and you're well on your way to great documentation!
Want to create your own template using Astroid Framework? Or wondering how & where, to begin after installing Astroid on your Joomla? Enough of scratching your head now, below are the basic steps listed for creating your own template using the “Amazing” Astroid Framework:
Go ahead and install the Astroid package(both Framework & Template) on your Joomla.
After installation, go to Extensions > Templates > Templates. Click & Open Astroid_template_zero Details.
On the Template Customize page, click on Copy Template button & Name the copied template as per choice(eg. tz_xxxx) & then click on copy template button.
Now under template Styles you will see your newly created template on Astroid framework. Set this template as Default.
After creating your own template, Delete the Astroid_template_zero from Style & Uninstall the Astroid Template_zero file from your Joomla.
Start working on your newly created template with the different options provided by the Astroid Framework and style your astroid-based template as you like.
Astroid is simple and easy to install, though it also has 4 different files to choose from as per requirements. Please follow these easy steps to get started with this amazing framework:
Download the extension install file (.zip) >
Log into your Joomla administrator
In the menu, choose: Extensions >> Manage >> Install
Choose the tab: Upload Package File
Click on the Choose File button and select the extension zip
Click on Upload & Install. And you now have the framework installed!
Starting astroid 2.2.3, you can select either an image or any animation from the animations library or can even choose from FontAwesome’s animation library as a preloader type. The image option lets you display either your logo or any other image (gif animations and such), while the page is being loaded. When you select the Image as the preloader type, it gives you options to customize the display of the image as per your need: 1. Background Repeat: You can select the appropriate value from the dropdown for Background Repeat. 2. Select a Background Size: You can select the appropriate value from the dropdown for Background Size. 3. Select a Background Position: You can select the appropriate value from the dropdown for Background Position. When you select Font Awesome as preloader type then you have the following options to customize it:
Preloader Animation: Choose the animation of the preloader from the FontAwesome library.
Preloader Color: Set the color of the preloader icon.
Preloader Background Color: Select the background color of the preloader icon which is displayed as the site loads.
Preloader size: Set the size of the preloader in pixels by sliding over the indicator.
When you select Animation as preloader type, it gives you options to customize:
Preloader Animation: Choose the animation of the preloader from the given list.
Preloader Color: Set the color of the preloader icon.
Preloader Background Color: Select the background color of the preloader icon which is displayed as the site loads.
Preloader Size: Set the size of the preloader in pixels by sliding over the indicator.
You can easily select the icon from your media gallery that will become the favicon for your site.
It is advisable to apply a size of either 16X16 or 64X64 pixels for the favicon icon.
Back To Top: Choose whether you want to enable/disable the icon.
Icon: Choose the icon for your back-to-top button.
Icon Size: Set the size of the icon in pixels by sliding over the indicator.
Icon Color: Set the icon color for the button.
Icon Background Color: Set the background color of the icon.
Icon Shape: Select an icon shape either Circle, Round or Square.
Back To Top Button on Mobile: Choose whether you want to enable/disable the icon on mobile devices.
Astroid offers you an option to display your website with a wide or box layout. You can find the option by goin to Template options > Basic > Page Settings > Here you see Site Layout option to choose between wide or boxed layout.
Background Image: Choose the background image for the site.
Background Repeat: Choose whether you want to repeat the background image or not from the different options available: Inherit, Repeat All, Repeat Horizontally, Repeat Vertically or No repeat.
Background Size: Adjust the size of the background image selected from the option provided: Cover, Contain and Inherit.
Background Position: Adjust the position of the image where you want it to be displayed from the options: Inherit, Left Top, Left Center, Left Bottom, Right Top, Right Center, Right Bottom, Center Top, Center Center, Center Bottom.
Background Attachment: You can choose whether the image will move with the page scroll or not using: Scroll, Fixed or Inherit.
When the wide layout is enabled, you can set the container width.
Enabling the smooth scroll option will help the site to load necessary js so that users can have a better experience on the site.
You can also adjust the scroll speed.
Scroll Easing: Choose a scroll animation from the drop-down list.
Prevent Smooth Scroll: to prevent smooth scroll on specific elements, you can add specific class or element id into the box, separate them with commas.
Please go to System > Manage > Plugins > Search Astroid plugin > Enable the color mode.
Go to Template styles > open your style> Template Options > Basic > Page Settings > Enable the color mode
Color mode: Enable the color mode feature.
Color Mode Default: Choose Light or Dark that will be the default mode ( or it will be inherited as the default color mode of the framework).
Module position: Select a module position in which you want to display the color mode element.
Feature load position: Choose after or before the module.
About Feature Load Position:
After module / Before module: If there are other module(s) published in the same module position, you can select to display the content of this feature either below or after the module(s) published in this position.
Color transform is a feature that allows you to change the color from light to dark or vice versa.
After enabling the color mode, you should go to the Color section and set up the color for the body, header, main menu, sticky menu, off-canvas menu, drop-down menu, mobile menu, and footer in both light and dark modes.
If you do not adjust the color between light and dark modes, you will not see changes when changing the color mode in the front end.
You can change the background color and customize the color for each section in the layout by editing a section > Design tab > Turning on the background color > editing the color of both light and dark modes
Turning on the Custom code, you'll be able to change the text color, link color and link hover color.
There are options for you to set the background for the full page content: background image, background video or a default color.
If you choose Inherit, the container will inherit the default background color.
Background Color: Set a favorite custom color code for the background.
Background Image: Choose an image for the background fro the media library or add a URL to the field.
Background Repeat: Sets if/how a background image will be repeated.
Select a Background Size: Specify the size of a background-image.
Select a Background Attachment: Sets whether a background image scrolls with the rest of the page, or is fixed.
Select a Background Position: Sets the starting position of a background image.
Overlay Color: Add an Overlay Color or Image Pattern on Image Background.
Select a video from the media library or enter a video's URL into the field.
A sticky header is something that sticks to the top of the page while the scroll is scrolling down or decides to go back up.
Sticky Header: Choose whether you want to display the Sticky header or not. If yes then the following options will be visible:
There are 2 different ways you can show the sticky header.
Sticky Menu Mode: Here we have 3 modes:
Left: The logo and the menu items are positioned to the left and the header block is to the right.
Right: Here the logo is to the left, the menu items and header block are to the right
Center: Here the logo is to the left, menu items are in the center and the header block is on the right
Header Block 1: Choose what you want to display in the header blocks from the given options in the dropdown:
Blank: Leave the space blank
Module Position: Publish a module whose position you can choose in the next option Block Position 1
Custom HTML: You can also publish custom HTML in the header block, simply writing your code in the next option Block 1 Custom HTML
Enable Badge on Sticky Header: Turn on this option if you wish to have the menu's badges displayed on the sticky header.
Sticky Header Logo:
This option allows you to choose a different logo image for the sticky header (i.e. if you want to upload a smaller logo so the sticky header doesn’t take a lot of space)
Sticky Header on Desktop
Choose how you want the sticky to be Sticky or Sticky on Scroll up in desktop view.
Sticky Header on Tablets
Choose how you want the sticky to be Static, Sticky or Sticky on Scroll up in the tablet view of your site.
Sticky Header on Mobile
Choose how you want the sticky to be Static, Sticky or Sticky on Scroll up in the mobile view of your site.
Logo Type: Choose the logo type for your site that is either Text, Image or None.
If you choose a Text logo then you have the following options:
Logo Text: Enter the text for the logo.
Tag Line: Enter the tagline text for your text logo.
Logo Link: Choose the type of link you wish to add to the logo text either Default or a Custom link.
Logo text typography: if you want to customize the logo text, choose the custom option and adjust the typography.
Tagline typography: choose the custom option and you'll be able to adjust the typography of the tagline according to your needs.
If you choose an Image logo then you have the following options:
Default Logo: Choose the logo image for your site.
Default Logo (Dark Mode): Choose a logo for the dark mode.
Mobile Logo: You can also customize the logo of your site in mobile view by choosing a different logo image here.
Mobile Logo (Dark Mode): Choose a logo image for the dark mode.
Logo Link: Choose the type of link you wish to add to the logo text either Default or a Custom link.
In case you enable the color mode, the logo options will offer the default logo (dark mode) and mobile logo (dark mode).
header-transparent position-absolute
Add the following CSS in your astroid custom css section (doc).
.astroid-header-section { background: transparent; z-index: 9999; border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.26); }
Make sure your header doesn’t have any background color selected in the backend section level or the colors section and change that color to transparent as well.
That’s it. This should do it. You may add the class pb-2
(padding-bottom 2 (range is between 1 – 5)) to create additional padding towards the bottom between the header and the section below.
You now can customize that off-canvas icon using these simple overridable steps:
Copy the files from this folder(JOOMLA_ROOT/libraries/astroid/framework/frontend/offcanvas) to this folder(JOOMLA_ROOT/templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/html/frontend/offcanvas).
Make the changes in the copied files.
And it’s done, the changes made in those files with be reflected on your frontend just make sure to clear the cache as well.
1. Header Element: Enable or disable elements in the header
2. Module Position: Provide a position where you want to display the header in the front end.
3. Header Modes: There are 3 main header modes: Horizontal Menu, Stacked Menu, and Sidebar Menu.
a) Horizontal Menu Mode: Here you have 3 different modes:
Left: The logo and the menu items are positioned to the left and the header block is to the right
Center: Here the logo is to the left, menu items are in the center and the header block is on the right
Right: Here the logo is to the left, the menu items and header block are to the right
b) Header Block 1 / Header Block 2: Choose what you want to display in the header blocks from the given options in the dropdown that is:
Blank: Leave a blank space
Module Position: Publish a module whose position you can choose in the next option Block Position 1
Custom HTML: You can also publish a custom HTML in the header block, simply writing your code in the next option Block 1 Custom HTML
Header Block 1, 2 will only work on Desktops, not on tablets and mobile.
a) Stacked Menu Mode: Here you have 5 different modes:
Center Balance: The logo is in the center, and header positions 1 and 2 are placed side along the logo on the left and the right. The menu is right under the logo
Stacked Center: The logo, menu items, and header block are all aligned together vertically one on top of the other. You can again choose the content for the header block in the next option:
Stacked Separated: Here the logo and two header blocks are in the center.
Stacked Divided: Here the logo is to the left, menu items are in the center, and the header block is on the right
Stacked Divided Logo Left: The logo is on the left of the first column, header positions 1 and 2 are placed on the first row, and the menu is on the second row of the other column.
b) Odd number menu item position
When you select Stacked Separated it displays an extra option of Odd number menu item position to select where you want to display the extra menu item: Select where you want to place the extra menu item in case of Odd number of menu items.
c) Header Block 1– Here you have 3 different options:
Blank: Leave a blank space.
Module Position: Publish a module whose position you can choose from the dropdown Block Position 1.
Custom HTML: You can also publish a custom HTML in the header block, simply writing your code in the next option Block 1 Custom HTML.
d) Header Block 2: Here you have 3 different options:
Blank: Leave a blank space.
Module Position: Publish a module whose position you can choose from the dropdown Block Position 2.
Custom HTML: You can also publish a custom HTML in the header block, simply writing your code in the next option Block 2 Custom HTML.
Header Block 1, and 2 will only work on Desktop, not for tablets and mobile.
a) Sidebar Menu Modes
Here you have 3 different modes:
Sidebar Left: The logo, menu items, module 1 and module 2 are all positioned to the left.
Sidebar Right: The logo, menu items, module 1 and module 2 are all positioned to the right.
Sidebar with third module: You can choose the position of the sidebar (Left or Right) and add a third module to the menu.
b) Header Block 1: Here you have 3 different options:
Blank: Leave a blank space
Module Position: Publish a module whose position you can choose from the dropdown Block Position 1
Custom HTML: You can also publish a custom HTML in the header block, simply writing your code in the next option Block 1 Custom HTML
4. Site Menu Method: Choose the menu display method. You can now choose to display the Astroid Menu directly as Default or through a Module Position.
5. Site Menu: If you have more than one main menu created then you can choose which menu you want to show on your main site from the dropdown list.
6. Start Level: The level to start rendering the menu at. Setting the start and end levels to the same level will only display that single level.
7. End Level: You can even set up to which level you want to show the sub-menu items. By default, it is set to “ALL” which means all the sub-menu items will be visible.
8. Header Breakpoint: Choose a breakpoint so the header will collapse when the width is less than the selected breakpoint parameter. The lg
is set as default breakpoint to suit most of the cases.
9. Mobile Menu: You also choose which menu you want to show on the mobile view of your site if you have 2 or more menus created.
10. Dropdown Trigger: Choose the action to view the dropdown menu or the mega menu that is either on Hover or Click.
11. Dropdown Arrow: Choose whether you want to show the dropdown arrow or not.
You can configure which Bootstrap JS Libraries will be loaded by default.
Go to Administrator >> Template Options >> Basic >> Bootstrap Settings
Go to Extensions > Modules > New. Create a New module of the type Menu.
Add the module title and select the menu that you would like to display via this module.
You can select a base menu item that’ll always be active, but if you choose the default value that is Current then the active menu item will be highlighted at all times.
Set the Start and End level of the off-canvas menu module.
You can also choose whether you want to show the sub-menu items or not.
After settings, all the required fields set the module position to offcanvas.
Set the module status as Published.
Lastly, confirm the module assignment under the Menu Assignment tab where all the modules will be published and you are done.
Astroid's backend has all the other options to style the off-canvas menu module. But this option will only be visible if you have the Header element enabled, and currently, it is only available for Horizontal and stacked Header modes.
Off-Canvas menu: Choose whether you want to display the off-canvas menu or not. If yes then the following options will be visible:
Toggle Visibility: Choose on which devices will the off-canvas menu be visible that is on All devices, Only on extra small devices, Up to Small devices, Up to medium devices, Up to Large devices or only on extra large devices. By default, it's set to All devices.
Panel Width: Set the size of the off-canvas menu either in px or em or rem.
Off-Canvas Animation: Select how you want the off-canvas menu to open which is either Slide on Top, Push or Reveal animations.
Off-Canvas Direction: You can choose between Left and Right for the position from where you want to open the Off-Canvas menu.
Background Color Allows you to set the default Background color for the body for the whole site.
Heading color Set the color of heading titles in the body section.
Text Color Set the Text color of the Body Content.
Link Color Set the color of the link in the Body Content.
Link Hover Color Set the color for hovered links; links hover when the mouse moves over them.
Meta Text Color Set the color for meta text on the body section.
If the color mode is enabled, you can adjust the color options of the body section in both light and dark skin.
This section allows you to adjust the color of the sticky header. When you enable the color mode, you can see color options for both light and dark modes.
Background Color Allows you to set the default Background color for the Dropdown menu.
Link Color Set the color of the link in the dropdown menu for submenu items.
Link Active Color Set the color for the active links; links become active once you click on them.
Link Hover Color Set the color for hovered links; links hover when the mouse moves over them.
Hamburger Button Set the color of the burger button
Hamburger Active Button Set the color of the burger button when it's in active mode
Background Color Allows you to set the default background color for the Header section for the whole site.
Heading Color Set the color for Heading tags in the header section
Text Color Set the Text color for the Header section.
Logo Text Color Set the color for your text logo.
Logo Tag Line Color Set the color for Tag Line in your text logo.
If the color mode is enabled, you can adjust the color of the header in both light and dark skin.
Animation: You can also customize the animation of your megamenu, and drop-down menus, you can set it to None, Slide or Fade.
Animation Speed: Depending upon the animation you choose from the Animation option you can also set its speed. The value is set in milliseconds and its maximum value can be up to 4000ms.
Easing: This function specifies the speed at which an animation progresses at different points within the animation. You can choose the type of easing from the various options provided: linear, swing, EaseInQuad, EaseOutQuad, EaseInOutQuad, EaseInCubic, EaseOutCubic, EaseInOutCubic, EaseInQuart, EaseInQuart, EaseInQuart, EaseInQuint, EaseOutQuint, EaseInOutQuint, EaseInSine, EaseOutSine, EaseInOutSine, EaseInExpo, EaseOutExpo, EaseInOutExpo, EaseInCirc, EaseOutCirc, EaseInOutCirc, EaseInElastic, EaseOutElastic, EaseInOutElastic, EaseInBack, EaseOutBack, EaseInOutBack, EaseInBounce, EaseOutBounce and EaseInOutBounce.
This section provides you with options to adjust the color of the dropdown menu.
If you , you'll see options to adjust the color of both light and dark modes.
Background Color Allows you to set the default Background color for the Dropdown menu.
Link Color Set the color of the link in the dropdown menu for submenu items.
Hover Link Color Set the color for hovered links; links hover when the mouse moves over them.
Hover Background Color Set the Background color for the hovered links.
Active Link Color Set the color for the active links; links become active once you click on them.
Active Background Color Set the Background color for the active links.
You can load the color preset selected from the dropdown list which contains presets of different styles.
Click on the pencil icon to edit an element. And you'll see 3 main tabs including General Settings, Design Settings and Responsive Settings.
General Settings
Under this tab the options are as follows:
Module Position- Assign the module position of the element in the layout. The dropdown lists all the active module positions created in Joomla backend.
Element Title- Customize the element name to make it easy & clear to understand in the layout manager.
Custom Class- Write the class name used for writing custom CSS or JS.
Custom ID- Give a custom ID to override the auto-generated ID.
Design Settings
Under this tab the options are as follows:
Animation- Choose animation for the element. You can also set the Animation Delay time in the next step.
Background Type- Select the background type for your element from None, Color, Image, Video or even add a Gradient.
Custom Colors- Choose whether you want to enable or disable the custom colors for the element. If you enable it then you have the option to set Text Color, Link Color & Link Hover Color of the element’s content.
Spacing- Add margin and padding values over the row to improve its appearance on different devices.
Responsive Settings
Under this tab the only option is:
Device Visibility- Choose your preference of hiding or showing the section on different screens like Hide on Extra Small Devices, Hide on Small Devices, Hide on Medium Devices, Hide on Large Devices or Hide on Extra Large Devices.
This section provides you with options to adjust the color of the main menu.
If you enable the color mode, you'll see color options for both light and dark modes.
Link Color Set the link color for the main menu.
Link Active Color Set the appearance of a link while it is being activated.
Link Hover Color Set the link hover color for the main menu.
Link Active Background Set the background color of a menu item when it's clicked.
Link Hover Background Set the background color of a menu item when it's hovered on.
In Astroid's layout manager, the first thing you do is Add a Section by choosing the grid from the Grid layout manager (if you choose a Custom grid then its sum should always be equal to 12).
After adding the section you see certain options(icons) like Section name, Move section, Edit section, Duplicate, Delete, add new Row & add new Section.
If you click on the Edit Section icon, a popup opens that has 3 different tabs General Settings, Design Settings & Responsive Settings. With these settings you can customize your sections easily.
Under this tab the options are as follows:
Section Title- Write the section title.
Custom Class- Write the class name used for writing custom CSS or JS.
Custom ID- Give a custom ID to override the auto-generated ID.
Section Layout- Choose the layout for the section from Container, Container Fluid, Container with No gutters, Container fluid with not gutters, Without Container or a Custom layout.
Layout Custom Class- If you choose a Custom layout then write the custom class name.
Under this tab, the options are as follows:
Animation- Choose animation for the section. You can also set the Animation Delay time in the next step.
Background Type- Select the background type for your section from None, Color, Image, Video or even add a Gradient.
Custom Colors- Choose whether you want to enable or disable the custom colors for the section. If you enable it then you have the option to set Text Color, Link Color & Link Hover Color of the section’s content.
Spacing- With this you can set your section’s custom Margin & Padding in 4 different units Px, Em, Rem & % with device responsiveness.
Under this tab the only option is:
Device Visibility: Choose your preference of hiding or showing the section on different screens like Hide on Extra Small Devices, Hide on Small Devices, Hide on Medium Devices, Hide on Large Devices or Hide on Extra Large Devices.
This section provides you with options to change the color of the offcanvas menu. If you enable the color mode, you'll see options to adjust the colors of both light and dark modes.
Background Color Set the default Background color for the Off-Canvas Menu.
Text Color Set the default Background color for the Off-Canvas Menu.
Link Color Set the color of the link in the Off-Canvas menu for menu and Sub-menu items.
Active Link Color Set the color for the active links (links become active once you click on them).
Active Background Color Set the Background color for the active links.
Hamburger Icon Color Set the hamburger icon color for the offcanvas/mobile menu.
Active Hamburger Icon Color Set the active hamburger icon color for the offcanvas/mobile menu.
You can load the color preset selected from the dropdown list which contains presets of different styles.
Add New Row option is provided along with the section name. Other editing options are provided to the right of each row that is Edit Grid, Duplicate Row, Edit Row & Delete Row icons.
When you click on Edit Row icon, a popup opens that has 3 different tabs General Settings, Design Settings & Responsive Settings. With these settings, you can customize your row easily.
General Settings
Under this tab, the options are as follows:
Custom Class- Write the class name used for writing custom CSS or JS.
Custom ID- Give a custom ID to override the auto-generated ID.
Design Settings
Under this tab the options are as follows:
Animation- Choose animation for the section. You can also set the Animation Delay time in the next step.
Background Type- Select the background type for your section from None, Color, Image, Video or even add a Gradient.
Custom Colors- Enabling this you can add custom colors to any text or link within the row.
Spacing- Add margin and padding values over the row to improve its appearance on different devices.
Responsive Settings
,Under this tab the only option is:
Device Visibility- Choose your preference of hiding or showing the section on different screens like Hide on Extra Small Devices, Hide on Small Devices, Hide on Medium Devices, Hide on Large Devices or Hide on Extra Large Devices.
Column has just 1 Edit Column icon that is used for customizing. Choose the grid or the number of columns from the Edit grid option.
When you click on Edit Column icon, a popup opens that has 3 different tabs General Settings, Design Settings & Responsive Settings. With these settings you can customize your column easily.
General Settings
Under tab this the options are as follows:
Column Title- Give the column a name of your choice
Custom Class- Write the class name used for writing custom CSS or JS.
Custom ID- Give a custom ID to override the auto-generated ID.
Design Settings
Under this tab the options are as follows:
Animation- Choose animation for the section. You can also set the Animation Delay time in the next step.
Background Type- Select the background type for your section from None, Color, Image, Video or even add a Gradient.
Custom Colors- Choose whether you want to enable or disable the custom colors for the section. If you enable it then you have the option to set Text Color, Link Color & Link Hover Color of the section’s content.
Spacing- Add margin and padding values over the row to improve its appearance on different devices.
Responsive Settings
Under this tab the only option is:
Device Visibility- Here you can set the breakpoints of the columns on different devices.
Since Astroid version 3.0, you're able to manage layouts on different devices including Extra Extra Large, Extra Large, Large, Medium, Tablet, and Mobile Phone.
The navigation widget is a simple, independent menu widget. Menu items with inserted links are managed by this widget.
You need to create a new section, choose a grid layout and click adding a new element. By adding a new element, you will see a popup including all the widgets available.
Simply choose the Navigation from the Widget list, then it'll be added to the layout's section where you want to add a Navigation widget.
The Navigation Widget contains 4 main settings tabs:
General Settings
Design Settings
Responsive Settings
Menu Assignment
When you click on the edit icon of the Navigation element, the widget inline editor will open up from where you can access the addon settings and customize it to fit your needs.
Click on "Add Item" to create a new navigation item.
You will see options below to configure each navigation item.
Title: Rename your menu item from this field.
Link: Add a link to the navigation menu.
Show title: Enable or disable the link's title.
Active: Enable this option to make a navigation link active.
Icon: Choose this option if you want to set an Icon in your Navigation menu items.
Link Target: You can choose a type of link target (Default, New window, Parent frame, Full body of the window).
Rel attribute: Add rel attribute for navigation links.
List style: Choose a style for the navigation menus. The widget supports 2 styles: Navigation and List.
Alignment: Set the alignment of navigation menu items.
You can also configure typography settings for the widget's texts to fit your preference including font family, alt font family, font weight, font size, letter spacing, line height, text-transform, and font style.
Color Options: Change the color and hover color of the navigation menu texts.
Background Color Options: Change the background color and hover the background color of the navigation menus.
With the spacing options, you can set custom Margin and padding of the navigation element in 4 different units Px, Em, Rem, pt and % with device responsiveness.
Custom Class: Write the class name used for writing custom CSS or JS.
Custom ID: Give a custom ID to override the auto-generated ID
Element Visibility: Choose to set the element to be visible on "Current and all linked pages", or on "Current menu items only".
Animation: Choose an animation for the widget.
Max Width: Set the Max Width for the widget.
Text Alignment: Set the alignment of the text of the widget.
Background Type: Select the background type for the widget from None, Color, Image, Video or even add a Gradient.
Custom Color: Choose whether you want to enable or disable the custom colors for the widget. If you enable it then you have the option to set Text Color, Link Color & Link Hover Color of the element’s content.
Add margin and padding values over the row to improve its appearance on different devices.
Here in the design settings, you can add custom CSS to customize the design of the element.
Device Visibility: Choose your preference for hiding or showing the section on different screens like:
Hide on Extra Small Devices
Hide on Small Devices
Hide on Medium Devices
Hide on Large Devices
Hide on Extra Large Devices
Since Astroid framework 3.0.12, the menu assignment feature has been introduced, which is applied to widgets available in Astroid's widget library.
You can choose between On all pages, No pages, Only on the pages selected from the List.
On all pages: the widget will be visible on all pages of your website
No pages: the widget will be invisible on all pages
Only on the pages selected: "Menu Selection" will show with all the menu items on. You can assign the widget by selecting the menu links that you want the widget associated with on what pages the widget appears.
When you have a template with many different styles. Sometimes you will encounter annoying problems with editing sections such as the footer of the layout on those styles. Repeating the same work on many styles will make us annoyed. That is why Sub-Layouts were born to solve this problem.
Basically, Sub-Layout has the same role as Joomla's Module. It was created to help admins reuse a layout section in many different Template Styles without having to repeat the work of creating same layouts.
To create sub-layouts, go to:
Administrator >> Templates: Styles >> Edit your Astroid template >> Template Options
Layout >> Sub Layouts
Click "New Layout"
To use Sub-Layout. Switch to Layout > Layout.
If you want to edit your sublayout. Go back to Layout >> Sub Layouts >> Click to title to edit layout
Basically, Sub-Layout has the same role as Joomla's Module. It was created to help admins reuse a layout section in many different Template Styles without having to repeat the work of creating layouts on that style.
The Divider Widget allows you to add styled lines that divide your content horizontally or vertically.
You can add a Divider to your layout builder by simply adding a new element in the layout and selecting the Divider widget from the Astroid library.
Simply choose the Divider widget from the Widget list, then it'll be added to the layout's section where you want to add a Divider widget.
The Divider widget consists of 4 main setting tabs:
General Settings
Design Settings
Responsive Settings
Menu Assignment
Element Title: Enter the element title
Width: Control the width of the divider as a percentage from 0 to 100 percent.
Type: Choose a type of divider (Horizontal or Vertical)
Style: Choose between many classic and patterned styles, such as solid, curly, wavy, tribal patterns, arrows, pluses, and more.
Color: Choose the color of the divider. In case you enable the color mode, you'll be able to adjust the divider's color for both dark and light modes.
Margin: Set an optimum distance from the top, right, bottom and left of the element.
Custom Class: Custom Class can be used for writing custom CSS or JS.
Custom ID: Give a custom ID to override the auto-generated ID
Element Visibility: Choose to set the element to be visible on "Current and all linked pages", or on "Current menu items only".
Animation: Choose an animation for the widget.
Max Width: Set the Max Width for the widget.
Text Alignment: Set the alignment of the text of the widget.
Background Type: Select the background type for the widget from None, Color, Image, Video or even add a Gradient.
Custom Color: Choose whether you want to enable or disable the custom colors for the widget. If you enable it then you have the option to set Text Color, Link Color & Link Hover Color of the element’s content.
Add margin and padding values over the row to improve its appearance on different devices.
Here in the design settings, you can add custom CSS to customize the design of the element.
Device Visibility: Choose your preference for hiding or showing the section on different screens like:
Hide on Extra Small Devices: Enable to hide the widget on mobile phones.
Hide on Small Devices: Enable to hide the widget on tablets.
Hide on Medium Devices: Enable to hide the widget on laptops.
Hide on Large Devices: Enable to hide the widget on desktops.
Hide on Extra Large Devices: Enable to hide the widget on extra-large screens.
Menu Assignment is created to assign the widget to pages on your website. You can choose between On all pages, No pages, Only on the pages selected from the list.
On all pages: the widget will be visible on all pages of your website
No pages: the widget will be invisible on all pages
Only on the pages selected: "Menu Selection" will show with all the menu items on. You can assign the widget by selecting the menu links that you want the widget associated with on what pages the widget appears.
Using the Text widget, you can add text content to your layout builder. It is one of the most basic but essential tools in your toolkit.
Open your layout and click to add a new element. By clicking on adding a new element, you'll see a popup including all the widgets available in the library.
Simply choose the Text widget from the Widget list, then it'll be added to the layout's section where you want to add a Text widget.
The Text Widget consists of 4 main setting tabs:
General Settings
Design Settings
Responsive Settings
Menu Assignment
Now it’s time to customize the Text element how you want. You will find the options you need by clicking to edit the text element icon on the inline editor. This will open the Text settings where you will be able to adjust the following:
Heading: Enter the heading title of the text content.
HTML Element: From here, you’ll be able to select the HTML elements you want your heading to consist of. Options include H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, and H6.
Font Family: Choose a font family for the text heading.
Alt Font Family: It means Alternative Font Family. Choose an alt font family in case the browser does not support the first font, it tries the next font.
Font-weight: Set the font weight for the text heading.
In this part, you can input the text in the content box, and configure typography settings for the added content to fit your preference including font family, alt font family, font weight, font size, letter spacing, line height, text-transform, and font color,
Custom Class: Write the class name used for writing custom CSS or JS.
Custom ID: Give a custom ID to override the auto-generated ID
Element Visibility: Choose to set the element to be visible on "Current and all linked pages", or on "Current menu items only".
Animation: Choose an animation for the widget.
Max Width: Set the Max Width for the widget.
Text Alignment: Set the alignment of the text of the widget.
Background Type: Select the background type for the widget from None, Color, Image, Video or even add a Gradient.
Custom Color: Choose whether you want to enable or disable the custom colors for the widget. If you enable it then you have the option to set Text Color, Link Color & Link Hover Color of the element’s content.
Add margin and padding values over the row to improve its appearance on different devices.
Here in the design settings, you can also add custom CSS to customize the design of the element.
Device Visibility: Choose your preference for hiding or showing the section on different screens like:
Hide on Extra Small Devices
Hide on Small Devices
Hide on Medium Devices
Hide on Large Devices
Hide on Extra Large Devices
Since Astroid framework 3.0.12, the menu assignment feature has been introduced, which is applied to widgets available in Astroid's widget library.
You can choose between On all pages, No pages, Only on the pages selected from the List.
On all pages: the widget will be visible on all pages of your website
No pages: the widget will be invisible on all pages
Only on the pages selected: "Menu Selection" will show with all the menu items on. You can assign the widget by selecting the menu links that you want the widget associated with on what pages the widget appears.
Images play a vital role in web design, so you will most likely use the Image Widget a lot while designing your website. Let’s go over all of the settings you can control for this widget.
You need to create a new section, choose a grid layout and click adding a new element. By adding a new element, you will see a popup including all the widgets available.
Simply choose the Image widget from the Widget list, then it'll be added to the layout's section where you want to add a Image widget.
The Image Widget consists of 4 main settings tabs:
General Settings
Design Settings
Responsive Settings
Menu Assignment
Element Title: Enter the element title.
Select Image: Upload an image from your media library.
Figure Caption: Enter a caption describing the image
Use Link: Enable this option if you want to link the image to a page or an external source.
Max Width: Define the max width of the image.
Border Radius: Choose an option for border-radius (Rounded, Circle, Pill or none).
Rounded Size: If you choose a rounded border, you can choose a size for the rounded border.
Box Shadow: Choose a type of box shadow from the dropdown.
Hover Effect: Click the dropdown to choose a Hover effect.
Hover Transition: Click the dropdown to choose a Hover transition.
Custom Class: Custom Class can be used for writing custom CSS or JS.
Custom ID: Give a custom ID to override the auto-generated ID.
Element Visibility: Choose to set the element to be visible on "Current and all linked pages", or on "Current menu items only".
Animation: Choose an animation for the widget.
Max Width: Set the Max Width for the widget.
Text Alignment: Set the alignment of the text of the widget.
Background Type: Select the background type for the widget from None, Color, Image, Video or even add a Gradient.
Custom Color: Choose whether you want to enable or disable the custom colors for the widget. If you enable it then you have the option to set Text Color, Link Color & Link Hover Color of the element’s content.
Add margin and padding values over the row to improve its appearance on different devices.
Here in the design settings, you can also add custom CSS to customize the design of the element.
Device Visibility: Choose your preference for hiding or showing the section on different screens like:
Hide on Extra Small Devices
Hide on Small Devices
Hide on Medium Devices
Hide on Large Devices
Hide on Extra Large Devices
Since Astroid framework 3.0.12, the menu assignment feature has been introduced, which is applied to widgets available in Astroid's widget library.
You can choose between On all pages, No pages, Only on the pages selected from the List.
On all pages: the widget will be visible on all pages of your website
No pages: the widget will be invisible on all pages
Only on the pages selected: "Menu Selection" will show with all the menu items on. You can assign the widget by selecting the menu links that you want the widget associated with on what pages the widget appears.
Headings are an essential part of any webpage. They help divide chunks of text, give structure and help increase readability.
You need to create a new section, choose a grid layout, and click adding a new element. By adding a new element, you will see a popup including all the widgets available.
Simply choose the Heading widget from the Widget panel, then it'll be added to the layout's section where you want to add a Heading widget.
The Heading Widget contains 4 main settings tabs:
General Settings
Design Settings
Responsive Settings
Menu Assignment
When you click on the edit icon of the Heading element, the widget inline editor will open up from where you can access the addon settings and customize it to fit your needs.
Element Title: Enter the title of the heading element.
Use link: Enable this option in case you would like to link the heading title with a link.
Link: Add a link to the heading.
Add Icon: Enable this option to add an icon to the heading.
Icon: Choose an icon from the icon panel.
Color: Adjust the color of the heading in both light and dark mode.
In this part, you can configure typography settings for the heading to fit your preference including font family, alt font family, font weight, font size, letter spacing, line height, text-transform, and font style.
Custom Class: Write the class name used for writing custom CSS or JS.
Custom ID: Give a custom ID to override the auto-generated ID
Element Visibility: Choose to set the element to be visible on "Current and all linked pages", or on "Current menu items only".
Animation: Choose an animation for the widget from the drop-down list.
Max Width: Set the Max Width for the widget.
Text Alignment: Set the alignment of the text of the widget.
Text Alignment Breakpoint: Choose a breakpoint at which the text alignment will change.
Background Type: Select the background type for the widget from None, Color, Image, Video or even add a Gradient.
Custom Color: Choose whether you want to enable or disable the custom colors for the widget. If you enable it then you have the option to set Text Color, Link Color & Link Hover Color of the element’s content.
Add margin and padding values over the row to improve its appearance on different devices.
Here in the design settings, you can also add custom CSS to customize the design of the element.
Device Visibility: Choose your preference for hiding or showing the section on different screens like:
Hide on Extra Small Devices
Hide on Small Devices
Hide on Medium Devices
Hide on Large Devices
Hide on Extra Large Devices
Since Astroid framework 3.0.12, the menu assignment feature has been introduced, which is applied to widgets available in Astroid's widget library.
You can choose between On all pages, No pages, Only on the pages selected from the List.
On all pages: the widget will be visible on all pages of your website
No pages: the widget will be invisible on all pages
Only on the pages selected: "Menu Selection" will show with all the menu items on. You can assign the widget by selecting the menu links that you want the widget associated with on what pages the widget appears.
Buttons on the web are there to act. A well-designed, good-looking button is always crucial in any web design. Buttons hold the key to page redirection, interaction, and data flow on web pages.
You need to create a new section, choose a grid layout and click adding a new element. By adding a new element, you will see a popup including all the widgets available.
Simply choose the Button widget from the widget list, then it'll be added to the layout's section where you want to add a Button widget.
The Button Widget contains 4 main settings tabs:
General Settings
Design Settings
Responsive Settings
Menu Assignment
The widget inline editor will open up when you click on the Button element in the layout. You can access the widget settings and customize the button to fit your needs.
In the general setting tab, click on "Add Item" button to add a new button item. Then start configuring each item.
Button title: The button title is the name of the button.
Link: Insert the URL you want to link to the button.
Icon: Choose an icon for each button
Styles: Choose a button style from the drop-down list.
Outline Style: Enable to create a line that is drawn around the button element, outside the borders, to make the element "stand out".
Button size: Choose a button size.
Enable Button Group: Enable this option if you'd like to group a series of buttons on a single line with the button group.
Button size: Choose an option for the button size
Styles: Choose a button style for buttons such as: Primary, secondary, success, danger, warning, info, light, dark, link, and text.
Border Radius: Choose an option for the border-radius of buttons.
Gutter: Select a padding between your buttons.
Custom Class: Write the class name used for writing custom CSS or JS.
Custom ID: Give a custom ID to override the auto-generated ID
Element Visibility: Choose to set the element to be visible on "Current and all linked pages", or on "Current menu items only".
Animation: Choose an animation for the widget from the drop-down list.
Max Width: Set the Max Width for the widget.
Text Alignment: Set the alignment of the text of the widget.
Text Alignment Breakpoint: Choose a breakpoint at which the text alignment will change.
Background Type: Select the background type for the widget from None, Color, Image, Video or even add a Gradient.
Custom Color: Choose whether you want to enable or disable the custom colors for the widget. If you enable it then you have the option to set Text Color, Link Color & Link Hover Color of the element’s content.
Add margin and padding values over the row to improve its appearance on different devices.
Here in the design settings, you can add custom CSS to customize the design of the element.
Device Visibility: Choose your preference for hiding or showing the section on different screens like:
Hide on Extra Small Devices: Hide the widget on mobile phones.
Hide on Small Devices: Hide the widget on tablets.
Hide on Medium Devices: Hide the widget on laptops.
Hide on Large Devices: Hide the widget on desktop.
Hide on Extra Large Devices: Hide the widget on large screens.
Since Astroid framework 3.0.12, the menu assignment feature has been introduced, which is applied to widgets available in Astroid's widget library.
You can choose between On all pages, No pages, Only on the pages selected from the List.
On all pages: the widget will be visible on all pages of your website
No pages: the widget will be invisible on all pages
Only on the pages selected: "Menu Selection" will show with all the menu items on. You can assign the widget by selecting the menu links that you want the widget associated with on what pages the widget appears.
The Slideshow widget allows you to create and customize slide presentations or carousels directly within your WordPress website.
With this widget, you can easily showcase images, content, or any other media in a list of slides. It’s a popular feature for creating sliders, testimonials, product showcases, and more.
You can add a slideshow widget to your layout builder by simply adding a new element in the layout and selecting the widget from the Astroid library.
Simply choose the Slideshow widget from the Widget list, then it'll be added to the layout's section where you want to add the widget.
The Slideshow widget comes with 4 main settings tabs:
General Settings
Design Settings
Responsive Settings
Menu Assignment
1.1 Add slideshow items
From the General Settings tab, you can click on Add Item button to add new slideshow items.
Select image: Upload an image or select an image from your media library.
Title: Input a title for the slide
Meta: Add a meta description for the slide
Description: Input the description for the slide
Link: Add a link to a call-to-action button on the slide
Link Text: Add the link text for the call-to-action button
Link target: Choose a type of link target from the drop-down list of options
Min height: Set the min-height of the slide images
Effect type: Choose an effect type from the list.
Autoplay: Enable this option to activate the autoplay feature.
Interval: Set the interval time.
Show Control: Enable this option to show the control
Show indicator: Enable this option to show the slide indicator.
Border radius: Select an option for the border-radius.
Box Shadow: Choose a shadow type.
Hover box shadow: Choose an option for hover box shadow.
Max-Width: Choose an option for the overlay's max-width
Overlay Position: Select a position for the overlay
Overlay Text Color: Set the color of the text on the overlay
Overlay Color: Set the overlay color on both light and dark mode
Overlay Padding: Choose an option for the overlay's padding
In the Title options, you will see a bunch of options to configure the title of the slideshow including HTML element, font styles (font family, alt font family, font weight, font size, letter spacing, line height, font color, text transform, font style).
You can also adjust the margin-top, right, bottom, and left of the slideshow titles.
In the Meta options, you also see the same options as the Title options to configure the meta text on the slideshow including HTML element, font styles (font family, alt font family, font weight, font size, letter spacing, line height, font color, text transform, font style).
You can also adjust the margin-top, right, bottom, and left of the meta.
In this part, you can configure style options for the content of the slideshow.
In this part, you can see options related to Read more (Call-to-action button) on the slideshow.
Style: Choose a style from the list for the button.
Outline Style: Enable the option to outline an element, outside the border.
Styles: Choose an option for the button size.
Border radius: Set the border radius of the read more button.
Element Visibility: Choose to set the element to be visible on "Current and all linked pages", or on "Current menu items only".
Animation: Choose an animation for the widget.
Max Width: Set the Max Width for the widget.
Text Alignment: Set the alignment of the text of the widget.
Background Type: Select the background type for the widget from None, Color, Image, Video or even add a Gradient.
Custom Color: Choose whether you want to enable or disable the custom colors for the widget. If you enable it then you have the option to set Text Color, Link Color & Link Hover Color of the element’s content.
Add margin and padding values over the row to improve its appearance on different devices.
Here in the design settings, you can also add custom CSS to customize the design of the element.
Device Visibility: Choose your preference for hiding or showing the section on different screens like:
Hide on Extra Small Devices
Hide on Small Devices
Hide on Medium Devices
Hide on Large Devices
Hide on Extra Large Devices
Since Astroid framework 3.0.12, the menu assignment feature has been introduced, which is applied to widgets available in Astroid's widget library.
You can choose between On all pages, No pages, Only on the pages selected from the List.
On all pages: the widget will be visible on all pages of your website
No pages: the widget will be invisible on all pages
Only on the pages selected: "Menu Selection" will show with all the menu items on. You can assign the widget by selecting the menu links that you want the widget associated with on what pages the widget appears.
Grid is a stunning widget that allows you to add several photos and display them in a grid layout. You can easily customize the number of columns on devices.
You need to create a new section, choose a grid layout and click adding a new element. By adding a new element, you will see a popup including all the widgets available.
Simply choose the Grid widget from the Widget panel, and then it'll be added to the layout section where you want to add the widget.
The Grid widget consists of 4 main settings tabs:
General Settings
Design Settings
Responsive Settings
Menu Assignment
In the general section, you can click "Add Item" to add a new grid item.
Media type: Choose a media type between "Icon" or "Image".
Select image: Select an image from the library.
Title: Enter a title for the grid item.
Meta: Input the meta info if you need it.
Description: Input the description of the grid item.
Link: Enter a link for the item.
You can enable the background image option for each grid item.
Background image: Upload or select an image from the media library.
Background repeat: Sets how background images are repeated horizontally and vertically, or no repeat.
Background size: Choose the size of the background image.
Background attachment: specifies whether the background image should scroll or be fixed (will not scroll with the rest of the page).
Background position: sets the initial position for each background image.
In this part, you can configure grid options on different devices. Switch between device icons to configure settings. Use Masonry: Enable this option, so you can present a grid gallery in a masonry style.
This section allows you to configure the article card style.
Card style: Choose a card style from the drop-down list
Card size: choose a card size from the drop-down list
Card border-radius: choose an option defining the radius of the testimonial card's corners
Media position: Choose a position on which the articles' media will be displayed.
Enable grid match: Enable this option to help grid items to match perfectly.
Text color mode: Choose a color mode for the article's text.
This section contains options for icons of grid items if you set them up above.
Here below you can find options to configure the image of each grid item.
Choose layout: Choose an image layout that suits your needs.
Image full-width: Enable the option if you want the image to display full width.
Enable image cover: Enable or disable the image cover
Border radius: Choose a type of border
Hover effect: Choose a hover effect from the dropdown list.
Hover transition: Choose a hover transition available in the list.
Here you can adjust the style options of the title below each grid photo.
In this part, you can configure style options for the content of the grid.
In this part, you can see options related to Read More (Call-to-action button) on the slideshow.
Style: Choose a style from the list for the button.
Outline Style: Enable the option to outline an element, outside the border.
Button Size: Choose an option for the button size.
Border radius: Set the border radius of the read more button.
Button margin-top: Set the margin-top of the button.
Element Visibility: Choose to set the element to be visible on "Current and all linked pages", or on "Current menu items only".
Animation: Choose an animation for the widget from the drop-down list.
Max Width: Set the Max Width for the widget.
Text Alignment: Set the alignment of the text of the widget.
Text Alignment Breakpoint: Choose a breakpoint at which the text alignment will change.
Background Type: Select the background type for the widget from None, Color, Image, Video or even add a Gradient.
Custom Color: Choose whether you want to enable or disable the custom colors for the widget. If you enable it then you have the option to set Text Color, Link Color & Link Hover Color of the element’s content.
Add margin and padding values over the row to improve its appearance on different devices.
Here in the design settings, you can add custom CSS to customize the element.
Device Visibility: Choose your preference for hiding or showing the section on different screens like:
Hide on Extra Small Devices: Enable to hide the widget on mobile phones.
Hide on Small Devices: Enable to hide the widget on tablets.
Hide on Medium Devices: Enable to hide the widget on laptops.
Hide on Large Devices: Enable to hide the widget on desktops.
Hide on Extra Large Devices: Enable to hide the widget on extra-large screens.
Since Astroid framework 3.0.12, the menu assignment feature has been introduced, which is applied to widgets available in Astroid's widget library.
You can choose between On all pages, No pages, Only on the pages selected from the List.
On all pages: the widget will be visible on all pages of your website
No pages: the widget will be invisible on all pages
Only on the pages selected: "Menu Selection" will show with all the menu items on. You can assign the widget by selecting the menu links that you want the widget associated with on what pages the widget appears.
Image group is a dynamic image gallery widget that creates a group of images and present them in columns.
You need to create a new section, choose a grid layout and click adding a new element. By adding a new element, you will see a popup including all the widgets available.
Simply choose the Image Group widget from the Widget panel, and then it'll be added to the layout section where you want to add the widget.
The Image Group widget contains 4 different settings tabs:
General Settings
Design Settings
Responsive Settings
Menu Assignment
You can click "Add Item" to add a new image item in this general part.
Title: Input an admin title
Select image: Choose an image from the library
Use link: Enable this option if you want to link the image to an external or internal source.
Link: Input the image link URL.
Here are options that allow you to configure the number of image columns on different devices. (2X large screen, X large screen, Desktop, laptop, tablet, and mobile phone).
In case you wish to display images as slider, just enable the option below. You can enable autoplay, navigation and dot navigation as well.
Configure other style options of the widget including border radius, box shadow, hover effect, and hover transition.
This part provides you with an option to enable or disable the image's title. Right below you can adjust the font style options for the image title also.
Element Visibility: Choose to set the element to be visible on "Current and all linked pages", or on "Current menu items only".
Animation: Choose an animation for the widget.
Max Width: Set the Max Width for the widget.
Text Alignment: Set the alignment of the text of the widget.
Background Type: Select the background type for the widget from None, Color, Image, Video or even add a Gradient.
Custom Color: Choose whether you want to enable or disable the custom colors for the widget. If you enable it then you have the option to set Text Color, Link Color & Link Hover Color of the element’s content.
Add margin and padding values over the row to improve its appearance on different devices.
Here in the design settings, you can also add custom CSS to customize the design of the element.
Device Visibility: Choose your preference for hiding or showing the section on different screens like:
Hide on Extra Small Devices
Hide on Small Devices
Hide on Medium Devices
Hide on Large Devices
Hide on Extra Large Devices
Since Astroid framework 3.0.12, the menu assignment feature has been introduced, which is applied to widgets available in Astroid's widget library.
You can choose between On all pages, No pages, Only on the pages selected from the List.
On all pages: the widget will be visible on all pages of your website
No pages: the widget will be invisible on all pages
Only on the pages selected: "Menu Selection" will show with all the menu items on. You can assign the widget by selecting the menu links that you want the widget associated with on what pages the widget appears.
Forms allow website owners to collect information from visitors. Visitors enter this information into the form and submit it to the website owner. These submissions can either be sent to the website database or as an email.
There are many different styles of forms from simple ones embedded in a page to multi-step forms that change according to the information submitted by the user. You can even create animated forms to draw visitors' attention.
You need to create a new section, choose a grid layout and click adding a new element. By adding a new element, you will see a popup including all the widgets available.
Simply choose the Form Builder from the Widget panel, and then it'll be added to the layout section where you want to add the widget.
The Form Builder widget consists of 4 main settings tabs:
General Settings
Design Settings
Responsive Settings
Menu Assignment
In this section, you have full control over the success and error messages, allowing you to customize them as needed.
Form Submit Success Message: Craft your personalized success message for when a form is submitted successfully. This message will be showcased to users upon successful submission.
Form Submit Failed Message: Tailor the text for situations when a form submission fails. This customized message will only be visible when a form fails to submit correctly.
Enable Redirect: After a successful form submission, you can redirect users to a specific link by enabling this option.
Redirect URL: Enter the desired redirect link here.
Enable Captcha: Enhance security by enabling Captcha. Users must solve a Captcha puzzle before submitting the form. For Google reCAPTCHA, ensure the plugin is enabled in your backend and that site keys are correctly configured.
Captcha Type: Select the Captcha type that best suits your needs.
The Button Settings comes with all the options necessary to create a fully customized button.
Styles: You can choose a desired button style from the given list.
Outline style: Enable this option if you want to outline the button.
Border radius: Choose your button shape from the list using this option.
Button Size: There are numerous options you can choose from to define your button size.
Button margin-top: Set an optimum distance above the button.
In this part, Click the “+ Add” button to instantly add new form elements.
Choose Field Type: Select the desired field type for your form item.
Field Label: Enter the label for your form field.
Field Name: Assign a unique name to the field for data reference.
Field Placeholder: Provide optional placeholder text for the field.
Is Required Field: Indicate whether this field is mandatory for form submission.
Column large screen: Set the number of columns that the form displays on large devices.
Column medium screen: Set the number of columns that the form displays on medium devices.
Column small screen: Set the number of columns that the form displays on small devices (tablets).
Column x-small screen: Set the number of columns that the form displays on mobile phones.
Element Visibility: Choose to set the element to be visible on "Current and all linked pages", or on "Current menu items only".
Animation: Choose an animation for the widget.
Max Width: Set the Max Width for the widget.
Text Alignment: Set the alignment of the text of the widget.
Background Type: Select the background type for the widget from None, Color, Image, Video or even add a Gradient.
Custom Color: Choose whether you want to enable or disable the custom colors for the widget. If you enable it then you have the option to set Text Color, Link Color & Link Hover Color of the element’s content.
Add margin and padding values over the row to improve its appearance on different devices.
Here in the design settings, you can also add custom CSS to customize the design of the element.
Device Visibility: Choose your preference for hiding or showing the section on different screens like:
Hide on Extra Small Devices: Enable to hide the widget on mobile phones.
Hide on Small Devices: Enable to hide the widget on tablets.
Hide on Medium Devices: Enable to hide the widget on laptops.
Hide on Large Devices: Enable to hide the widget on desktops.
Hide on Extra Large Devices: Enable to hide the widget on extra-large screens.
Menu Assignment is created to assign the widget to pages on your website. You can choose between On all pages, No pages, Only on the pages selected from the List.
On all pages: the widget will be visible on all pages of your website
No pages: the widget will be invisible on all pages
Only on the pages selected: "Menu Selection" will show with all the menu items on. You can assign the widget by selecting the menu links that you want the widget associated with on what pages the widget appears.
The Testimonial widget lets you easily add testimonial sections to your website. You can use these sections to showcase feedback, reviews, or quotes from clients, customers, or users.
Additionally, the testimonial widget includes plenty of options to customize the appearance of the testimonial section, including the layout, style, and content, to match your website’s design and branding.
You need to create a new section, choose a grid layout and click adding a new element. By adding a new element, you will see a popup including all the widgets available.
Simply choose the Testimonials from the Widget list, then it'll be added to the layout's section where you want to add a Testimonial widget.
The Testimonials Widget consists of 4 main settings tabs:
General Settings
Design Settings
Responsive Settings
Menu Assignment
In the general settings, you will find many options for Testimonials items, Grid options, Card options, Slide options, Designation options, Name options, and Message options.
Here you can click on Add Item to add a new testimonial item.
Click "New Item" to add a new Testimonial item. You can input a name, designation, link, avatar image, message, and overlay text color.
In this part, you can adjust the number of columns of testimonials on different devices. (2X large screen, X large screen, Desktop, laptop, tablet, and mobile phone).
Use masonry: enable this option and you can effortlessly show testimonials in a masonry grid layout.
This section allows you to configure the testimonials card style.
Card style: Choose a card style from the drop-down list
Card size: choose a card size from the drop-down list
Card border-radius: choose an option defining the radius of the testimonial card's corners
Enable grid match:
Hover transition: Choose a hover transition
Box shadow: Choose a box-shadow option
Hover box-shadow: Choose a hover box-shadow
Display article as a slider: Enable this option to show testimonials in the slider.
Autoplay: Enable the option to make the slider automatically play.
Navigation: Enable to show the navigation icons prev and next.
Dot navigation: Enable this option to display the dot navigation.
In this part, you can find options to configure the avatar image's position.
Avatar position: Choose a position for the avatar
Max width: Set the max width of the avatar
Border options: Set the border size
Boder style: choose an option for the border style from the list
Border color: You can set the border color in light and dark mode
Border radius: Set the border radius of the avatar
Hover effect: Choose a hover effect when hovering the avatar image
Hover transition: Choose a hover transition from the list
In this part, you can see the customer's name-related options which allow you to adjust the name's style such as: font family, font weight, font size, letter spacing, line height, font color and so on.
This part allows you to adjust the style of testimonial designation.
Here are options to configure the style of the testimonial messages.
Element Visibility: Choose to set the element to be visible on "Current and all linked pages", or on "Current menu items only".
Animation: Choose an animation for the widget from the drop-down list.
Max Width: Set the Max Width for the widget.
Max Width Breakpoint: Define the device width from which the element's max-width will apply.
Block Alignment: Define the alignment in case the container exceeds the element's max-width.
Block Alignment Breakpoint: Define the device width from which the alignment will apply.
Text Alignment: Set the alignment of the text of the widget.
Text Alignment Breakpoint: Choose a breakpoint at which the text alignment will change.
Background Type: Select the background type for the widget from None, Color, Image, Video or even add a Gradient.
Custom Color: Choose whether you want to enable or disable the custom colors for the widget. If you enable it then you have the option to set Text Color, Link Color & Link Hover Color of the element’s content.
Add margin and padding values over the row to improve its appearance on different devices.
Here in the design settings, you can also add custom CSS to customize the design of the element.
Device Visibility: Choose your preference for hiding or showing the section on different screens like:
Hide on Extra Small Devices: Enable to hide the widget on mobile phones.
Hide on Small Devices: Enable to hide the widget on tablets.
Hide on Medium Devices: Enable to hide the widget on laptops.
Hide on Large Devices: Enable to hide the widget on desktops.
Hide on Extra Large Devices: Enable to hide the widget on extra-large screens.
Since Astroid framework 3.0.12, the menu assignment feature has been introduced, which is applied to widgets available in Astroid's widget library.
You can choose between On all pages, No pages, Only on the pages selected from the List.
On all pages: the widget will be visible on all pages of your website
No pages: the widget will be invisible on all pages
Only on the pages selected: "Menu Selection" will show with all the menu items on. You can assign the widget by selecting the menu links that you want the widget associated with on what pages the widget appears.
The Article widget allows you to display a list of blog articles on your website. It automatically pulls in articles from the Joomla database and presents them in a specified layout and format.
The Article widget offers plenty of customization options allowing you to choose how your articles are displayed. You can customize the appearance of each article, including the title, featured image, and more.
You need to create a new section, choose a grid layout and click adding a new element. By adding a new element, you will see a popup including all the widgets available.
Simply choose the Article widget from the Widget panel, and then it'll be added to the layout section where you want to add the widget.
The Articles widget consists of 4 main settings tabs:
General Settings
Design Settings
Responsive Settings
Menu Assignment
In the general setting tab, you will find general options, grid options, card options, image options, title options, info block options, content options, slider options and read more options. Now let's take a look at the detailed options.
In the general options, you can find some below options:
Element Title: Enter a title of the element
Select categories: Choose specific categories of the articles you'd like to display.
Limit: Set the number of articles displayed in the section.
Ordering: Choose an ordering option by which articles will be displayed.
This section allows you to configure the article's card style.
Card style: Choose a card style from the drop-down list
Card size: choose a card size from the drop-down list
Card border-radius: choose an option defining the radius of the testimonial card's corners
Media position: Choose a position on which the articles' media will be displayed.
Enable grid match:
Text color mode: Choose a color mode for the article's text
This part shows some options for the article images:
Choose layout: Choose an option between Classic and Image Overlay.
Thumbnail Only: This option allows you to display articles' thumbnails only without any other additional info.
Border radius: Set the border radius of the article images
Enable Image effect: Enable this option to have an effect on the article's image.
Enable image cover: Enable this option if you wish to have an image cover.
This part allows you to adjust the style of articles' titles.
Info items displayed before the title: Select info items that you want to display before the title.
Info item display after the title: Select info items that you want to display after the title.
Info item display after the intro text: Select info items that you want to display after the intro text.
In this part, you can enable intro text and set the limit on intro text characters, as well as adjust other style options of the intro text.
In this slider part, you can see options to configure if you would like to display articles as a slider.
Display article as a slider: Enable this option to show testimonials in the slider.
Autoplay: Enable the option to make the slider automatically play.
Navigation: Enable to show the navigation icons prev and next.
Dot navigation: Enable this option to display the dot navigation.
Do you want to display the read more button for each article? This part is made for you.
Show readmore: Enable or disable the read more button for the articles.
Button Style: Choose a style for the read more button from the prebuilt list of styles.
Outline style: Enable the outline style
Style: Choose a style for the read more button size.
Border radius: Set the border radius of the read more button.
Element Visibility: Choose to set the element to be visible on "Current and all linked pages", or on "Current menu items only".
Animation: Choose an animation for the widget.
Max Width: Set the Max Width for the widget.
Text Alignment: Set the alignment of the text of the widget.
Background Type: Select the background type for the widget from None, Color, Image, Video or even add a Gradient.
Custom Color: Choose whether you want to enable or disable the custom colors for the widget. If you enable it then you have the option to set Text Color, Link Color & Link Hover Color of the element’s content.
Add margin and padding values over the row to improve its appearance on different devices.
Here in the design settings, you can also add custom CSS to customize the design of the element.
Device Visibility: Choose your preference for hiding or showing the section on different screens like:
Hide on Extra Small Devices: Enable to hide the widget on mobile phones.
Hide on Small Devices: Enable to hide the widget on tablets.
Hide on Medium Devices: Enable to hide the widget on laptops.
Hide on Large Devices: Enable to hide the widget on desktops.
Hide on Extra Large Devices: Enable to hide the widget on extra-large screens.
Since Astroid framework 3.0.12, the menu assignment feature has been introduced, which is applied to widgets available in Astroid's widget library.
You can choose between On all pages, No pages, Only on the pages selected from the List.
On all pages: the widget will be visible on all pages of your website
No pages: the widget will be invisible on all pages
Only on the pages selected: "Menu Selection" will show with all the menu items on. You can assign the widget by selecting the menu links that you want the widget associated with on what pages the widget appears.
The Accordion widget allows you to display text in a collapsed, condensed manner, saving space while presenting abundant content. Visitors can see condensed titles and selectively expand items for more detailed information.
You need to create a new section, choose a grid layout and click adding a new element. By adding a new element, you will see a popup including all the widgets available.
Simply choose the Accordion widget from the Widget panel, and then it'll be added to the layout section where you want to add the widget.
The Accordion widget consists of 4 main settings tabs:
General Settings
Design Settings
Responsive Settings
Menu Assignment
Here you can choose a style for the accordion widget between Default and Flush.
Accordion Style: Choose a style for the accordion.
Collapse style: Choose a collapse style
Always open: Enable this option if you want accordion items to be always open.
Color: set the default color, hover color, and active color.
Background color: Set the background color of the accordion.
Element Visibility: Choose to set the element to be visible on "Current and all linked pages", or on "Current menu items only".
Animation: Choose an animation for the widget.
Max Width: Set the Max Width for the widget.
Text Alignment: Set the alignment of the text of the widget.
Background Type: Select the background type for the widget from None, Color, Image, Video or even add a Gradient.
Custom Color: Choose whether you want to enable or disable the custom colors for the widget. If you enable it then you have the option to set Text Color, Link Color & Link Hover Color of the element’s content.
Add margin and padding values over the row to improve its appearance on different devices.
Here in the design settings, you can also add custom CSS to customize the design of the element.
Device Visibility: Choose your preference for hiding or showing the section on different screens like:
Hide on Extra Small Devices: Enable to hide the widget on mobile phones.
Hide on Small Devices: Enable to hide the widget on tablets.
Hide on Medium Devices: Enable to hide the widget on laptops.
Hide on Large Devices: Enable to hide the widget on desktops.
Hide on Extra Large Devices: Enable to hide the widget on extra-large screens.
Since Astroid framework 3.0.12, the menu assignment feature has been introduced, which is applied to widgets available in Astroid's widget library.
You can choose between On all pages, No pages, Only on the pages selected from the List.
On all pages: the widget will be visible on all pages of your website
No pages: the widget will be invisible on all pages
Only on the pages selected: "Menu Selection" will show with all the menu items on. You can assign the widget by selecting the menu links that you want the widget associated with on what pages the widget appears.
The Icon widget allows you to add an icon to your layout easily. Astroid comes with the Icon widget to let you add and fully customize the icon to fit your needs.
You need to create a new section, choose a grid layout and click adding a new element. By adding a new element, you will see a popup including all the widgets available.
Simply choose the Icon widget from the widget list, then it'll be added to the layout section where you want to add an icon widget.
The Icon Widget settings come with 4 main settings tabs:
General Settings
Design Settings
Responsive Settings
Menu Assignment
When you click on the Icon element in the layout, the widget inline editor will open up. You can access the widget settings and customize it to fit your needs.
In the general setting tab, click on "Add new" to add a new icon item.
Title: Enter the title of the icon item
Icon: There are hundreds of icons available. Select your desired one from the list.
Link: Simply paste the URL you want to link to the icon.
Link Target: You can choose a type of link target (Default, New window, Parent frame, Full body of the window).
Icon Size: Set the size of the icon using this option. Example: 18px. Move the indicator horizontally to adjust the number according to your requirements.
Gutters: Choose a gutter option from the dropdown list.
Color: Adjust the color of icons.
Hover Color: Adjust the hover color of icons.
Custom Class: Write the class name used for writing custom CSS or JS.
Custom ID: Give a custom ID to override the auto-generated ID
Animation: Choose an animation for the widget.
Max Width: Set the Max Width for the widget.
Text Alignment: Set the alignment of the text of the widget.
Background Type: Select the background type for the widget from None, Color, Image, Video or even add a Gradient.
Custom Color: Choose whether you want to enable or disable the custom colors for the widget. If you enable it then you have the option to set Text Color, Link Color & Link Hover Color of the element’s content.
Add margin and padding values over the row to improve its appearance on different devices.
Here in the design settings, you can add custom CSS to customize the design of the element.
Device Visibility: Choose your preference for hiding or showing the section on different screens like:
Hide on Extra Small Devices
Hide on Small Devices
Hide on Medium Devices
Hide on Large Devices
Hide on Extra Large Devices
Since Astroid framework 3.0.12, the menu assignment feature has been introduced, which is applied to widgets available in Astroid's widget library.
You can choose between On all pages, No pages, Only on the pages selected from the List.
On all pages: the widget will be visible on all pages of your website
No pages: the widget will be invisible on all pages
Only on the pages selected: "Menu Selection" will show with all the menu items on. You can assign the widget by selecting the menu links that you want the widget associated with on what pages the widget appears.
A simple countdown widget on your website will show the time left to the end of the period and create a feeling of urgency. Create a Countdown Timer that counts down in seconds, minutes, hours and days to any date, with time zone support.
Since Astroid 3.0.15, you can find a new feature about the site menu module that allows you to choose a menu display method. By default, the site presents the default Joomla menu directly.
However, thanks to the new feature, you can choose a menu module to present the menu. When you enable to display menu position, you'll see options to choose the module position for both desktop and mobile menus.
Create a new module with the module type "Astroid Menu".
Create Astroid menu module for site mode: Module position: assign the module to the position "Astroid-header-menu"
Select menu: Choose a menu.
Base item: Choose a menu's base item.
Start level: Set the menu's start level
End level: Set the menu's end level
Sub-menu items: Enable this option to show sub-menu items.
Menu mode: Choose a menu mode that you want to display the menu module on. (Choose Site).
Dropdown arrow: Enable this option to show the dropdown arrow beside a menu item containing sub-menus.
Animation duration: Set the length of time that an animation takes to complete one cycle.
Animation: Choose an animation from the drop-down list.
Easing: Choose an easing option.
Drop-down trigger: Choose a type of dropdown trigger (Hover or Click).
Menu breakpoint: Choose a breakpoint on which the burger button shows up.
Create a new Astroid menu module for the mobile mode. Choose the menu mode "Mobile". Assign the menu module to the position: "Astroid-header-mobilemenu"
Go to Template options > Headers > Site Menu Method / Mobile Meu Method. Here you can choose the module position for the site and mobile menu methods.
Site menu method: Choose a menu method for the desktop menu: "Default" or module position.
Site module position: if module position is selected, you can choose a module position of the menu module you want from the drop-down list. (Choose the module position: Astroid-header-menu).
Mobile menu method: Choose a menu method for the mobile menu (Default or module position).
Mobile menu position: If the module position is selected above, you can choose a module position of the menu module you want for the mobile menu from the drop-down list. (Choose the module position: Astroid-header-mobilemenu).
The Video widget lets you easily embed videos from different sources directly onto your site.
This widget lets you add videos from platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, and self-hosted videos. It provides customization options for video controls, play buttons, and other display settings to ensure your video fits seamlessly with your site’s design.
In the layout, you need to create a new section, choose a grid layout and click adding a new element. Adding a new element will show a popup including all the widgets available.
Simply select the Video widget from the Widget panel, and then it'll be added to the layout section where you want to add the widget.
The Video widget consists of 4 main settings tabs:
General Settings
Design Settings
Responsive Settings
Menu Assignment
In the general options, you can choose a video type and upload the video source.
Element Title: Enter the element title.
Video type: Choose a video type (Youtube/Vimeo or Custom)
Video Button URL: If you choose Youtube/Vimeo, enter the video's url into this field.
If you choose Local Video, you can upload MP4 and OGV videos from your computer.
In this section, you can find several options for video controls, play buttons, and other display settings.
Show Related Videos
Turn off Youtube Cookies
Add Youtube Shorts
Aspect Ratio
Show Author (Vimeo)
Mute Video (Vimeo)
Show Author’s Profile Image (Vimeo)
Show Video Title (Vimeo)
Show Control
Video Loop
Element Visibility: Choose to set the element to be visible on "Current and all linked pages", or on "Current menu items only".
Animation: Choose an animation for the widget.
Max Width: Set the Max Width for the widget.
Text Alignment: Set the alignment of the text of the widget.
Background Type: Select the background type for the widget from None, Color, Image, Video or even add a Gradient.
Custom Color: Choose whether you want to enable or disable the custom colors for the widget. If you enable it then you have the option to set Text Color, Link Color & Link Hover Color of the element’s content.
Add margin and padding values over the row to improve its appearance on different devices.
Here in the design settings, you can also add custom CSS to customize the design of the element.
Device Visibility: Choose your preference for hiding or showing the section on different screens like:
Hide on Extra Small Devices: Enable to hide the widget on mobile phones.
Hide on Small Devices: Enable to hide the widget on tablets.
Hide on Medium Devices: Enable to hide the widget on laptops.
Hide on Large Devices: Enable to hide the widget on desktops.
Hide on Extra Large Devices: Enable to hide the widget on extra-large screens.
Menu Assignment is created to assign the widget to pages on your website. You can choose between On all pages, No pages, Only on the pages selected from the List.
On all pages: the widget will be visible on all pages of your website
No pages: the widget will be invisible on all pages
Only on the pages selected: "Menu Selection" will show with all the menu items on. You can assign the widget by selecting the menu links that you want the widget associated with on what pages the widget appears.
With the help of Video Button Widget, you can present a button calling up a lightbox that plays your favorite videos from YouTube, Vimeo, and other video hosting sites.
You can add a Video Button to a layout builder by simply adding a new element in the layout and selecting the Video Button widget from the Astroid library.
Simply choose the Video button widget from the Widget list, then it'll be added to the layout's section where you want to add it.
The Video button widget consists of 4 main setting tabs:
General Settings
Design Settings
Responsive Settings
Menu Assignment
In general settings, please enter the element title (this title is only displayed in the admin layout builder), and the video button URL. You can input the video links from YouTube, Vimeo or other sources.
You can style the video button size, ripple color, button width, button height, button color, background color, border option etc. in this section.
Element Visibility: Choose to set the element to be visible on "Current and all linked pages", or on "Current menu items only".
Animation: Choose an animation for the widget.
Max Width: Set the Max Width for the widget.
Text Alignment: Set the alignment of the text of the widget.
Background Type: Select the background type for the widget from None, Color, Image, Video or even add a Gradient.
Custom Color: Choose whether you want to enable or disable the custom colors for the widget. If you enable it then you have the option to set the Text Color, Link Color & Link Hover Color of the element’s content.
Add margin and padding values over the row to improve its appearance on different devices.
Here in the design settings, you can also add custom CSS to customize the design of the element.
Device Visibility: Choose your preference for hiding or showing the section on different screens like:
Hide on Extra Small Devices: Enable to hide the widget on mobile phones.
Hide on Small Devices: Enable to hide the widget on tablets.
Hide on Medium Devices: Enable to hide the widget on laptops.
Hide on Large Devices: Enable to hide the widget on desktops.
Hide on Extra Large Devices: Enable to hide the widget on extra-large screens.
Since Astroid framework 3.0.12, the menu assignment feature has been introduced, which is applied to widgets available in Astroid's widget library.
You can choose between On all pages, No pages, Only on the pages selected from the List.
On all pages: the widget will be visible on all pages of your website
No pages: the widget will be invisible on all pages
Only on the pages selected: "Menu Selection" will show with all the menu items on. You can assign the widget by selecting the menu links that you want the widget associated with on what pages the widget appears.
The Image Carousel widget allows users to display images in a carousel format. You can add multiple images to the widget, and these images will present a horizontal slide based on the settings. The carousel can be customized regarding position, navigation controls, auto-play settings, and more.
In the layout, you need to create a new section, choose a grid layout, and click adding a new element. Adding a new element will show a popup including all the widgets available.
Simply select the Image Carousel widget from the Widget panel, and then it'll be added to the layout section where you want to add the widget.
The Image Carousel widget consists of 4 main settings tabs:
General Settings
Design Settings
Responsive Settings
Menu Assignment
In general options, you can click on "Add Item" to add new images.
Title: Input the title of the image.
Select image: Select an image from the media library.
Use link: Enable this option if you wish to link the image with a custom link.
You can adjust the number of columns of image slides to show.
Enable Image Cover: Enable this option if you wish to have an image cover.
Min Height: Set the min-height of the images.
Height: Set the height of the images
Border Radius: Choose an option for border-radius.
Box Shadow: Choose an option for the box shadow.
Hover Effects: Choose an option for the hover effect.
Overlay position: Choose a position of the overlay.
Set the overlay color or gradient, or choose none if you don't want to color the overlay.
Overlay padding: Choose an option for the overlay padding from the drop-down list.
In this part, you can see options to configure the font style of image titles as below:
Element Visibility: Choose to set the element to be visible on "Current and all linked pages", or on "Current menu items only".
Animation: Choose an animation for the widget.
Max Width: Set the Max Width for the widget.
Text Alignment: Set the alignment of the text of the widget.
Background Type: Select the background type for the widget from None, Color, Image, Video or even add a Gradient.
Custom Color: Choose whether you want to enable or disable the custom colors for the widget. If you enable it then you have the option to set Text Color, Link Color & Link Hover Color of the element’s content.
Add margin and padding values over the row to improve its appearance on different devices.
Here in the design settings, you can add custom CSS to customize the element.
Device Visibility: Choose your preference for hiding or showing the section on different screens like:
Hide on Extra Small Devices: Enable to hide the widget on mobile phones.
Hide on Small Devices: Enable to hide the widget on tablets.
Hide on Medium Devices: Enable to hide the widget on laptops.
Hide on Large Devices: Enable to hide the widget on desktops.
Hide on Extra Large Devices: Enable to hide the widget on extra-large screens.
Menu Assignment is created to assign the widget to pages on your website. You can choose between On all pages, No pages, Only on the pages selected from the List.
On all pages: the widget will be visible on all pages of your website
No pages: the widget will be invisible on all pages
Only on the pages selected: "Menu Selection" will show with all the menu items on. You can assign the widget by selecting the menu links that you want the widget associated with on what pages the widget appears.
The Map widget offers a straightforward way to embed Google Maps in your website. This is very useful for contact pages, so visitors can know where you are.
In the layout, you need to create a new section, choose a grid layout and click adding a new element. Adding a new element will show a popup including all the widgets available.
Simply choose the Map widget from the Widget panel, and then it'll be added to the layout section where you want to add the widget.
The Map widget consists of 4 main settings tabs:
General Settings
Design Settings
Responsive Settings
Menu Assignment
In the general options, you can see options to choose a map type (Basic or advanced), input the address location of the exact place, and Map height.
Location: Enter the address location you wish to display
Height: Set the height of the map
Zoom: Set the zoom level of the map
Element Visibility: Choose to set the element to be visible on "Current and all linked pages", or on "Current menu items only".
Animation: Choose an animation for the widget.
Max Width: Set the Max Width for the widget.
Text Alignment: Set the alignment of the text of the widget.
Background Type: Select the background type for the widget from None, Color, Image, Video or even add a Gradient.
Custom Color: Choose whether you want to enable or disable the custom colors for the widget. If you enable it then you have the option to set Text Color, Link Color & Link Hover Color of the element’s content.
Add margin and padding values over the row to improve its appearance on different devices.
Here in the design settings, you can also add custom CSS to customize the design of the element.
Device Visibility: Choose your preference for hiding or showing the section on different screens like:
Hide on Extra Small Devices: Enable to hide the widget on mobile phones.
Hide on Small Devices: Enable to hide the widget on tablets.
Hide on Medium Devices: Enable to hide the widget on laptops.
Hide on Large Devices: Enable to hide the widget on desktops.
Hide on Extra Large Devices: Enable to hide the widget on extra-large screens.
Menu Assignment is created to assign the widget to pages on your website. You can choose between On all pages, No pages, Only on the pages selected from the List.
On all pages: the widget will be visible on all pages of your website
No pages: the widget will be invisible on all pages
Only on the pages selected: "Menu Selection" will show with all the menu items on. You can assign the widget by selecting the menu links that you want the widget associated with on what pages the widget appears.
List widget is a useful widget designed to allow users to create different items that include a title, description, and icon, and present them in a list view.
In the layout, you need to create a new section, choose a grid layout and click adding a new element. Adding a new element will show a popup including all the widgets available.
Simply choose the List widget from the Widget panel, and then it'll be added to the layout section where you want to add the widget.
The List widget consists of 4 main settings tabs:
General Settings
Design Settings
Responsive Settings
Menu Assignment
In the general options, you can start creating a new item by clicking on the button "Add Item".
Title: Enter the title of the item.
Description: Input the description of the item.
Icon type: Choose Fontawesome or Custom.
Icon: Select an icon or add your custom icon class.
In the miscellaneous style, you can choose a style from the drop-down list to showcase list items.
In this part, you can configure the styles for the title.
Here in this section, you can configure the font style of the description content of list items.
Element Visibility: Choose to set the element to be visible on "Current and all linked pages", or on "Current menu items only".
Animation: Choose an animation for the widget.
Max Width: Set the Max Width for the widget.
Text Alignment: Set the alignment of the text of the widget.
Background Type: Select the background type for the widget from None, Color, Image, Video or even add a Gradient.
Custom Color: Choose whether you want to enable or disable the custom colors for the widget. If you enable it then you have the option to set Text Color, Link Color & Link Hover Color of the element’s content.
Add margin and padding values over the row to improve its appearance on different devices.
Here in the design settings, you can also add custom CSS to customize the design of the element.
Device Visibility: Choose your preference for hiding or showing the section on different screens like:
Hide on Extra Small Devices: Enable to hide the widget on mobile phones.
Hide on Small Devices: Enable to hide the widget on tablets.
Hide on Medium Devices: Enable to hide the widget on laptops.
Hide on Large Devices: Enable to hide the widget on desktops.
Hide on Extra Large Devices: Enable to hide the widget on extra-large screens.
Menu Assignment is created to assign the widget to pages on your website. You can choose between On all pages, No pages, Only on the pages selected from the List.
On all pages: the widget will be visible on all pages of your website
No pages: the widget will be invisible on all pages
Only on the pages selected: "Menu Selection" will show with all the menu items on. You can assign the widget by selecting the menu links that you want the widget associated with on what pages the widget appears.
If you're looking for a solution of presenting Joomla articles in a list vertically, this Article Listing is the one that meets your demand.
You can add the Article Listing widget to a layout builder by simply adding a new element in the layout and selecting the widget from the widget panel.
Simply choose the Article Listing widget from the Widget panel, then it'll be added to the layout's section where you want to add it.
The widget consists of 4 main setting tabs:
General Settings
Design Settings
Responsive Settings
Menu Assignment
Element title: Input a title for the element.
Select categories: Select categories of the Joomla content articles.
Limit: Set the number of articles you expect to display.
Ordering: Choose the ordering option for articles.
Element Visibility: Choose to set the element to be visible on "Current and all linked pages", or on "Current menu items only".
Animation: Choose an animation for the widget.
Max Width: Set the Max Width for the widget.
Text Alignment: Set the alignment of the text of the widget.
Background Type: Select the background type for the widget from None, Color, Image, Video or even add a Gradient.
Border Options: Choose a border style.
Border Radious: Set the border radious.
Custom Color: Choose whether you want to enable or disable the custom colors for the widget. If you enable it then you have the option to set Text Color, Link Color & Link Hover Color of the element’s content.
Sticky Effect: Enable sticky effect for the element ( Top, Bottom, or Inherit None as default).
Animation: Choose an animation effect available from the drop-down list.
Animation Delay: Set the animation delay time in millisecond.
Animation Duration: Set the animation duration time in millisecond.
Animation Loop: Allow animation to reload on every scroll on.
Stagger Time (s): Set the stagger time in millisecond for the animation.
Animation Element: You can choose exactly which elements in the block will receive the animation effect. For example .card
Add margin and padding values over the row to improve its appearance on different devices.
Here in the design settings, you can add custom CSS to customize the element.
Device Visibility: Choose your preference for hiding or showing the section on different screens like:
Hide on Extra Small Devices
Hide on Small Devices
Hide on Medium Devices
Hide on Large Devices
Hide on Extra Large Devices
Since Astroid framework 3.0.12, the menu assignment feature has been introduced, which is applied to widgets available in Astroid's widget library.
You can choose between On all pages, No pages, Only on the pages selected from the List.
On all pages: the widget will be visible on all pages of your website
No pages: the widget will be invisible on all pages
Only on the pages selected: "Menu Selection" will show with all the menu items on. You can assign the widget by selecting the menu links that you want the widget associated with on what pages the widget appears.
Raw HTML widget offers you an easy way to embed HTML code from 3rd party or simply display a message with an available HTML into your website so that the text can be displayed beautifully with HTML language.
You can add the Raw HTML widget to a layout builder by simply adding a new element in the layout and selecting the widget from the widget panel.
Simply choose the Raw HTML widget from the Widget panel, then it'll be added to the layout's section where you want to add it.
The Raw HTML widget consists of 4 main setting tabs:
General Settings
Design Settings
Responsive Settings
Menu Assignment
INsert HTML code into the field.
Element Visibility: Choose to set the element to be visible on "Current and all linked pages", or on "Current menu items only".
Animation: Choose an animation for the widget.
Max Width: Set the Max Width for the widget.
Text Alignment: Set the alignment of the text of the widget.
Background Type: Select the background type for the widget from None, Color, Image, Video or even add a Gradient.
Custom Color: Choose whether you want to enable or disable the custom colors for the widget. If you enable it then you have the option to set Text Color, Link Color & Link Hover Color of the element’s content.
Add margin and padding values over the row to improve its appearance on different devices.
Here in the design settings, you can add custom CSS to customize the element.
Device Visibility: Choose your preference for hiding or showing the section on different screens like:
Hide on Extra Small Devices
Hide on Small Devices
Hide on Medium Devices
Hide on Large Devices
Hide on Extra Large Devices
Since Astroid framework 3.0.12, the menu assignment feature has been introduced, which is applied to widgets available in Astroid's widget library.
You can choose between On all pages, No pages, Only on the pages selected from the List.
On all pages: the widget will be visible on all pages of your website
No pages: the widget will be invisible on all pages
Only on the pages selected: "Menu Selection" will show with all the menu items on. You can assign the widget by selecting the menu links that you want the widget associated with on what pages the widget appears.
CodePen is a utility that allows you to put anything you want through HTML, CSS, JS. If you are a CodePen lover you will love this extension. You will certainly find it easy to customize your website without having to touch the default source code.
You can add the CodePen widget to a layout builder by simply adding a new element in the layout and selecting the widget from the widget panel.
Simply choose the CodePen widget from the Widget panel, then it'll be added to the layout's section where you want to add it.
The CodePen widget consists of 4 main setting tabs:
General Settings
Design Settings
Responsive Settings
Menu Assignment
Input HTML code, CSS, or JS code into blocks below in the general settings.
Element Visibility: Choose to set the element to be visible on "Current and all linked pages", or on "Current menu items only".
Animation: Choose an animation for the widget.
Max Width: Set the Max Width for the widget.
Text Alignment: Set the alignment of the text of the widget.
Background Type: Select the background type for the widget from None, Color, Image, Video or even add a Gradient.
Custom Color: Choose whether you want to enable or disable the custom colors for the widget. If you enable it then you have the option to set Text Color, Link Color & Link Hover Color of the element’s content.
Add margin and padding values over the row to improve its appearance on different devices.
Here in the design settings, you can add custom CSS to customize the element.
Device Visibility: Choose your preference for hiding or showing the section on different screens like:
Hide on Extra Small Devices
Hide on Small Devices
Hide on Medium Devices
Hide on Large Devices
Hide on Extra Large Devices
Since Astroid framework 3.0.12, the menu assignment feature has been introduced, which is applied to widgets available in Astroid's widget library.
You can choose between On all pages, No pages, Only on the pages selected from the List.
On all pages: the widget will be visible on all pages of your website
No pages: the widget will be invisible on all pages
Only on the pages selected: "Menu Selection" will show with all the menu items on. You can assign the widget by selecting the menu links that you want the widget associated with on what pages the widget appears.
While the List widget allows you to create a list of items simply with titles and icons, Listing Pro is born to showcase a list of items coming with images, titles, meta, description and links.
You can add a Listing Pro widget to a layout builder by simply adding a new element in the layout and selecting the widget from the widget panel.
Simply choose the Listing Pro widget from the Widget panel, then it'll be added to the layout's section where you want to add it.
The widget consists of 4 main setting tabs:
General Settings
Design Settings
Responsive Settings
Menu Assignment
Element title: Input a title for the element.
List Items: Click on Add Item to add new items.
Select Image: Choose an image for the item.
Title: Input the item's title.
Meta: Input the item's meta.
Description: Input the item's description.
Link: Enter the item's url.
Padding: Adjust the padding of the items.
Here you can adjust the font styles of the item titles.
Here you can adjust the font styles and position of the meta.
Here you can adjuts the font styles of the content.
Element Visibility: Choose to set the element to be visible on "Current and all linked pages", or on "Current menu items only".
Animation: Choose an animation for the widget.
Max Width: Set the Max Width for the widget.
Text Alignment: Set the alignment of the text of the widget.
Background Type: Select the background type for the widget from None, Color, Image, Video or even add a Gradient.
Border Options: Choose a border style.
Border Radious: Set the border radious.
Custom Color: Choose whether you want to enable or disable the custom colors for the widget. If you enable it then you have the option to set Text Color, Link Color & Link Hover Color of the element’s content.
Sticky Effect: Enable sticky effect for the element ( Top, Bottom, or Inherit None as default).
Animation: Choose an animation effect available from the drop-down list.
Animation Delay: Set the animation delay time in millisecond.
Animation Duration: Set the animation duration time in millisecond.
Animation Loop: Allow animation to reload on every scroll on.
Stagger Time (s): Set the stagger time in millisecond for the animation.
Animation Element: You can choose exactly which elements in the block will receive the animation effect. For example .card
Add margin and padding values over the row to improve its appearance on different devices.
Here in the design settings, you can add custom CSS to customize the element.
Device Visibility: Choose your preference for hiding or showing the section on different screens like:
Hide on Extra Small Devices
Hide on Small Devices
Hide on Medium Devices
Hide on Large Devices
Hide on Extra Large Devices
Since Astroid framework 3.0.12, the menu assignment feature has been introduced, which is applied to widgets available in Astroid's widget library.
You can choose between On all pages, No pages, Only on the pages selected from the List.
On all pages: the widget will be visible on all pages of your website
No pages: the widget will be invisible on all pages
Only on the pages selected: "Menu Selection" will show with all the menu items on. You can assign the widget by selecting the menu links that you want the widget associated with on what pages the widget appears.
Module position is an important element that allows you add a Joomla module to an Astroid layout builder. You can choose to present a module by position or loading a single module: (Position or Module)
Type: Choose Module
Module: Choose a module available from the drop-down list.
Type: Choose Position
Position: Choose a module position available from the drop-down list.
If you choose a module, it will presents a specific module in the front-end. But if you choose a position, all the modules in that chosed position will be displayed in the front-end.
The Hover Motion Gallery widget presents the rows of images move in sync with mouse movements, a flip lightbox will open when clicking on an image. You can also view the details of the images by clicking on them. You can also customize the spacing between images, border borders, and padding colors.
You can add the Hover motion gallery widget to a layout builder by simply adding a new element in the layout and selecting the widget from the widget panel.
Simply choose the hover motion gallery widget from the Widget panel, then it'll be added to the layout's section where you want to add it.
The hover motion gallery widget consists of 4 main setting tabs:
General Settings
Design Settings
Responsive Settings
Menu Assignment
In general settings, you can click on "Add Item" button to create a new image for the gallery.
For each image item, enter a title and upload an image from the library, then click Apply.
In this section, you can configure options for the widget style such as the number of image rows, height, tilt angle of the photo, gutter between images, gradient color, border radious.
Element Visibility: Choose to set the element to be visible on "Current and all linked pages", or on "Current menu items only".
Animation: Choose an animation for the widget.
Max Width: Set the Max Width for the widget.
Text Alignment: Set the alignment of the text of the widget.
Background Type: Select the background type for the widget from None, Color, Image, Video or even add a Gradient.
Custom Color: Choose whether you want to enable or disable the custom colors for the widget. If you enable it then you have the option to set Text Color, Link Color & Link Hover Color of the element’s content.
Add margin and padding values over the row to improve its appearance on different devices.
Here in the design settings, you can add custom CSS to customize the element.
Device Visibility: Choose your preference for hiding or showing the section on different screens like:
Hide on Extra Small Devices
Hide on Small Devices
Hide on Medium Devices
Hide on Large Devices
Hide on Extra Large Devices
Since Astroid framework 3.0.12, the menu assignment feature has been introduced, which is applied to widgets available in Astroid's widget library.
You can choose between On all pages, No pages, Only on the pages selected from the List.
On all pages: the widget will be visible on all pages of your website
No pages: the widget will be invisible on all pages
Only on the pages selected: "Menu Selection" will show with all the menu items on. You can assign the widget by selecting the menu links that you want the widget associated with on what pages the widget appears.
Astroid framework supports not only Google fonts but local fonts also. In particular, it's ready for some font formats including "otf", "ttf" and "woff".
Here is an example that you can follow to add your own local font:
You can upload ttf
to media/templates/site/{template}/fonts
or images/{template}/fonts
Go to template options > typography > choose your custom font
You should apply the font to all template styles, the changes will be reflected on the whole website.
Save changes and clear caches, then go to the front end and check it.
Not only that set the typography for devices also.
1. Font Family Select the font family from the drop-down list. Here you can select the System Font or the Google font for the menu of your website
2. Alt Font Family If the browser does not support the first font family, it tries the Alternate font family.
3. Font Weight Select the font weight from the list, it will define how bold your text is.
4. Font Size Set the font size you need to use in the text element.
5. Letter Spacing Set the needed distance between letters.
6. Line Height line-height property specifies the height of a line.
7. Text Transform Set the font transformation, if needed (uppercase, capitalize and lowercase).
It has 2 main options either Inherit, meaning it will take the property of the body typography settings or Custom that has the following list of options, customizable for devices :
1. CSS Selector Write the name of the selector whose property you want to customize.
2. Font Family Select the font family from the drop-down list. Here you can select the System Font or the Google font for the whole Body of your website
3. Alt Font Family If the browser does not support the first font family, it tries the Alternate font family.
4. Font Weight Select the font-weight from the list, it will define how bold your text is.
5. Font Size Set the font size you need to use in the text element.
6. Letter Spacing Set the needed distance between letters.
7. Line Height line-height property specifies the height of a line.
8. Font Color Add a different text color using the color picker.
9. Text Transform Set the font transformation, if needed (uppercase, capitalize and lowercase).
Not only that set the typography for devices also.
1. Font Family Select the font family from the drop-down list. Here you can select the System Font or the Google font to the whole Body of your website.
2. Alt Font Family If the browser does not support the first font family, it tries the Alternate font family.
3. Font Weight Select the font-weight from the list, it will define how bold your text is.
4. Font Size Set the font size you need to use in the text element.
5. Letter Spacing Set the needed distance between letters.
6. Line Height line-height property specifies the height of a line.
7. Text Transform Set the font transformation, if needed (uppercase, capitalize and lowercase).
Here we can set different typography for different heading types from H1 to H6 along with their responsiveness.
This section controls the typography for all H1-H6 headings.
1. Font Family Select the font family from the drop-down list. Here you can select the System Font or the Google font for the whole Body of your website
2. Alt Font Family If the browser does not support the first font family, it tries the Alternate font family.
3. Font Weight Select the font-weight from the list, it will define how bold your text is.
4. Font Size Set the font size you need to use in the text element.
5. Letter Spacing Set the needed distance between letters.
6. Line Height line-height property specifies the height of a line.
7. Text Transform Set the font transformation, if needed (uppercase, capitalize and lowercase).
Enabling this will help you improve the SEO, if not then there is a good chance that unrelated images might appear or the description be inaccurate while sharing the articles.
Every article can have its own open graph settings, that has the following options:
OG TITLE- Enter the title that will appear will sharing the article link.
OG DESCRIPTION- Enter the description that will describe the article shared.
IMAGE- Select the image related to the article, that will appear will article sharing.
To get this working you need to enable Open Graph from the Astroid Backend settings. With astroid you have 2 platforms where open graph settings can be managed that are Twitter & Facebook.
In the case of Facebook integration, enter the App ID.
In the case of Twitter integration, add the username & select the card type.
Set the font size of the lead heading titles in the Category Blog Layout
Set the font size of Intro items in Category Blog Layout.
Article type icons illustrate which type of content that particular article (post) has. The icon appears in the top right corner of the article.
Enable or Disable it to show/hide it on the articles listing view.
Use an article badge to indicate a specific post. It appears on the top left corner of the respective post. Enable/Disable it to show the badges for listing view.
This option shows the estimated reading time of the article. Choose to show/hide it on the articles list view.
This is a special function only available on Astroid Framework. It is a function that allows Admins to define the display layout for detailed articles of Joomla Content.
To create sub-layouts, go to:
Administrator >> Templates: Styles >> Edit your Astroid template >> Template Options
Article/Blog >> Article Layout Builder
Click "New Layout"
To use Article Layout.
Go to Administrator >> Content >> Categories >> Edit a category
Switch to Single Blog Options
Select a Layout > Select a template & select an article-layout
Save category.
Go to Front-end >> Your Joomla Blog >> Click on the article in the category you edited to view detail. And you can see how it works.
As you know, Astroid has a rich Widget system that allows you to create unique styles for your website without any coding knowledge. What’s great is that you can use this Widget system on Article Layout as well. So let’s find out how you can use Widgets to build your articles.
Like Layout Builder to create Widget in Article Layout you follow these steps.
In layout builder >> Click "Add Element" >> Choose one of available widgets
In the modal you can set default values of Widget. These values can be override on each article.
You have finished building the layout for your article. The next step is to change the Widget data for each of your articles. If you use the default value, you do not need to change anything in the article. The system will display the default value as you have set in the Article Layout Builder. But if you need to change the widget data in each article to ensure uniqueness and uniqueness. It is very easy, just follow the steps below.
Go to Administrator >> Content >> Articles >> Edit or Create an article
Find Widgets Tab, All widgets will be listed here
Click to edit a Widget. Now you can override the default values of Widget on the modal.
An example for Tour Travel: https://demo.astroidframe.work/article-layouts/tours-example
An example for Photography: https://demo.astroidframe.work/article-layouts/photography-example
Any article can be converted to the following 5 types other than just being a Regular article. Each type has its own set of options that are as follows:
Video Options: If you choose a video type then you have the option of adding either a Youtube or Vimeo video link and choosing whether you want to show the thumbnail or not and where would you want to position it within the article.
Gallery Options: If you choose a gallery-type article then set its width, add images, set its position within the article, and choose to show or hide the thumbnail & navigation.
Audio Options: If you choose your type as audio then you can set it either as Spotify or Soundcloud type only. In the case of spotify you need to add the song URL & in the case of Soundcloud you need to add the embed code.
Review Options: For a review-type article, you need to mention every detail of the review like the title, summary, good & bad points, ratings, what are the review criteria and their ratings and more.
Quote Options: For a quote-type article, you simply need to write the quote and its author and set its position within the article.
The article badge signifies the popularity of the article among others. This option appears just below the article-type icon configuration.
We also have a list of some of the common article badges used like Editor’s Choice, Best Seller, Trending, Hot, Best Price and Custom.
If you choose the Custom type badge then you have the following options available:
Badge Label- Add a label name of your choice.
Badge BG Color- Set the background color of the badge.
Badge Text Color- Set the color of the badge text.
The Author information is displayed underneath the article, the author information is updated in the Author profile in User Tab.
Article rating/review shows the star rating for a single article and allows a user to give a star rating. This enhances Joomla’s core voting functionality feature which displays a drop-down menu to rate the article, instead, it modifies it by allowing the star functionality and also displays the number of votes received.
Allows you to display a list of related posts underneath the article post. The list is based on the meta keyword of the post which makes them more relevant and more likely to display. The settings also allow displaying the number of related article you want to display.
You can also enable Social Share buttons under each article. You can use the default style or ShareThis content-sharing platform to add social buttons.
The default social button offers you some social channels including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.
AddThis provides an HTML and Javascript code that displays sharing tools on your site. Customize the Share button you would like to use.
Register to ShareThis .
Navigate to the Share Buttons > Inline Share Buttons tab on the left sidebar.
Customize your share buttons accordingly.
Get the property ID from the Property Settings page from the lower part of the left sidebar.
Paste in the property ID in the ShareThis field
Open Graph allows you to identify which elements of your page you want to show when someone shares your page. Here you don’t need to mess with scripts or tags. Simply add your Facebook App ID and Twitter Username. You can even set different OG Title, OG Description and OG Image for each article.
This option allows a comment system on each article post so that users will be able to leave comments under their names. Choose between the platforms Facebook, Disqus, HyperComments or IntenseDebate. Or to use custom comments please read this documentation.
Firstly we need to know that every article has its own Blog Options that let you manage the settings of the article on your site uniquely, this comes as the top priority setting.
Next in line is Category level Single Blog Options. When there are different categories for a different set of articles then managing every article with similar settings would be difficult therefore we have the blog options at the category level.
After this comes the final level in the Astroid backend which is the Single Article Options, which will manage each of the article's single view settings irrespective of their categories. That also includes some more configuration options like Article Rating and Open Graph to name a few.
The options at both articles & category levels are the same as the ones in the Astroid backend settings in order to inherit its properties. The options listed are as follows:
AUTHOR INFO- Choose whether you want to show or hide the info about the article’s author below the content or not. If not then choose inherit.
RELATED ARTICLES- Choose whether you want to show or hide the articles related to the parent article or not. If shows, then you have to set the following options:
ARTICLE COUNT: Choose the number of related articles, either Inherit means the count set for that category of articles or the number listed in Astroid settings, or Custom means to add a number only for the specific article.
RELATED ARTICLE TYPE ICON: Choose whether you want to show or hide the post-type icon on the related articles, or inherit its value from Astroid settings.
RELATED ARTICLE BADGE: Choose whether you want to show or hide the article’s badge on the related articles, or inherit its value from Astroid settings.
READ TIME: Set whether you want to show the read time or hide it from a single article view. This does not affect the article’s read time in the List view.
SOCIAL SHARE: Configure the social share for every article from the Astroid settings, but here you can choose to hide it for that specific article.
COMMENTS: Configure the comment section for each article from the Astroid settings, but here you can choose to hide it for that specific article.
Here in this section, you can write internal JS which will render before tag.
In this, you can create your own comments php file and display it on the frontend. The steps to create that file are as follows:
Create a default_comments.php file on the following path: JOOMLA_ROOT/templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/html/frontend/blog/modules
After creating the file just choose comments as Custom. And it’s done!
The Analytics tracking code is a snippet of JavaScript that collects and sends data to Analytics from a website.
The Analytics tracking code may be directly added directly to the HTML of each page on your site, or indirectly using a tag management system such as Google Tag Manager.
In this Astroid Section, you can paste your tracking code to get started tracking the activity of your website users
You can easily Enable or Disable the bar from the backend, after enabling this section you are open to editing the content of the copyright information bar for your site.
1. Branding Enable/Disable whether you want to display the copyright bar in the footer or not.
2. Custom HTML Here you can enter the text that is displayed in the copyright bar using HTML tags.
3. Module Position Select a suitable module position where you want to display the copyright bar.
4. Feature Load Position In case there are other modules published at the same position, then choose where you want to load the bar Before Module or After Module.
Tip! Use {year} to get auto-updated year and {sitename} for auto-get site name.
Its main purpose is to load the images as soon as you scroll down along the page because downloading media takes more time than the content on a page thus improving the user experience.
In Astroid you can find the Lazy Load option under the Miscellaneous tab, just enable it to start lazy loading of the images throughout the website. But you can also make some specific selections as per the requirements:
Selected Images- Add the image names that you wish to include or exclude throughout the website in lazy load. You can add any image format name be it svg, png, jpg or jpeg, each name be separated by the enter button.
Selected Components: Add the component name whose images you want to include/exclude in lazy load like com_content, or com_easyblog and similarly others, wherein each name be entered on the next line.
Selected URLs: Here you can add the complete site url specifically whose images you want to include/exclude from lazy load, each should be entered in a new line.
Selected Classes: Write the class name whose images you specifically want to include/exclude from lazy load here like class =”jdb-layout-1 jdbuilder” and others like that.
1. 404 Page Content Enter the content that will be displayed on the error page. It has to be within the HTML tags. You can also see what the actual error is by using the already created error code, also the exact error message can be displayed in a similar way using the error message code provided.
2. Call To Action This button will be displayed on the error page and will help the user redirect to another working page on the website.
3. Background Type You can choose the background of the page from the given options: Color, Image or Video and if you do not want anything to be displayed select None.
None: If you don’t want any type of background on your background page then you can leave this option to its default set value None
Color: If you want to have a background color on your coming soon page then you can set select color as the value and select your preferred color from this option and customize the styling options accordingly.
Image: If you want to have a background Image on your coming soon page then you can select an image as the value and select your preferred color from this option and customize the styling options accordingly.
Video: If you want to have a background Video on your coming soon page then you can select video as the value and select your preferred video from this option.
Tip! By Using shortcode for and {loadmoduleid xxx} you can easily publish a module on this page.
On enabling the Development mode it will your website to offline mode and a static Coming Soon page will be displayed. You will also be open to options for customizing your Coming Soon page including:
1. Logo Here you can select a logo that will be displayed on the coming soon page, the default template logo is displayed if not selected.
2. Countdown Date You can set a date for the countdown when your site will be going live.
3. Social Icons You can enable/disable whether you want to show the social icons or not. These icons are configured in Social Section.
4. Content Enter the description for your website’s coming soon page.
5. Background Type You can choose the background of the page from the given options: Color, Image or Video and if you do not want anything to be displayed select None.
None: If you don’t want any type of background on your background page then you can leave this option to its default set value None.
Color: If you want to have a background color on your coming soon page then you can set select color as the value and select your preferred color from this option and customize the styling options accordingly.
if you enable the color mode, you'll see options to adjust the background color for both light and dark modes.
Image: If you want to have a background Image on your coming soon page then you can select an image as the value and select your preferred color from this option and customize the styling options accordingly.
Video: If you want to have a background Video on your coming soon page then you can set select video as the value and select your preferred video from this option.
You can include CSS files by adding a file path per line. You can use the Full URL of the CSS file, or the path of the CSS file relative to the Joomla root directory.
OR https://www.somewebsite.com/styles.css
You can include JavaScript files by adding a file path per line. You can use the Full URL of the script, or the path of the script relative to the Joomla root directory.
OR https://www.somewebsite.com/script.js
Theming comes with 2 major features.
Select the default colors and link those colors with the default area of your website (i.e. primary, secondary and others).
The second feature is the ability to override bootstrap SAAS variables. Assuming you know SAAS and want to override the default bootstrap variables. You can easily do so by modifying the variables in the backend itself.
Default Bootstrap SAAS variables can be found in the file JOOMLAROOT/media/astroid/assets/vendor/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss
You can override it in your template (ex: astroid_template_one) in the file JOOMLAROOT/media/templates/site/astroid_template_one/scss/variable_overrides.scss
These fields can also be customized as per your choice like at which position will they be shown on the website.
You can modify this contact information field using the following options:
1. Contact Details Enable/Disable whether you want to show the contact information on your site or not.
2. Module Position Select a suitable module position where you want to display this feature.
3. Featured Load position In case there are other modules published at the same position, then choose where you want to load the details Before Module or After Module.
4. Phone Number Write the contact number of either your company or the concerned person to be contacted for any support. You can leave it blank if not required.
5. Mobile Number Write the mobile number of the concerned person to be contacted for any support. You can leave it blank if not required.
6. Email Add the email address of your company to be contacted for any support. You can leave it blank if not required.
7. Open Hours Add your office timings on the website. You can leave it blank if not required.
8. Address Add the office address on your website. You can leave it blank if not required.
9. Display Here you can choose if you want to display the contact information only as Text or include Icons.
10. Icon Color Here you can choose the color of the contact information icons. If you enable the color mode, you'll be able to adjust the icon color of both light and dark modes.
In this section we have:
Module Position: Select a suitable module position where you want to display this feature.
Feature Load Position: If there are other modules published to this module position, you can select whether the content of this feature should be displayed below or after the module(s) published to this position.
Style: Choose the style of how you want to show your Social profile on your site, the default value is Inherit color and the other is its Brand color(that is the company social icon color).
The brand colors will take those companies' relative color schemes.
We have all 20+ types of Predefined Social Profiles and one can also add custom Social Profiles.
Add Custom Profile: You can also add a custom social profile if you do not find one from the mentioned. Click on Add Custom Profile, a section will pop up where you can add Link, Social Icon class and the icon Color.
In order to publish the Social Profiles in more than one place, follow these simple steps:
Under Layout, the section creates multiple module positions where you want to show the social profiles. (e.g. PositionName: astroid-top-social)
Then go to Social Profiles section and set the module position to the one you created. (e.g. PositionName: astroid-top-social)
Also if you want to show the social profiles on the header. Just change the module position to the one you created. (e.g. PositionName: astroid-top-social)
See the video above for a quick walk-through on how to add social profiles.
1. Font Family Select the font family from the drop-down list. Here you can select the System Font or the Google font for the whole Body of your website.
We now have the Default font option wherein it will either show Bootstrap’s default font family or if you have added any other font in the custom css/scss files.
2. Alt Font Family If the browser does not support the first font family, it tries the Alternate font family.
3. Font Weight Select the font weight from the list, it will define how bold your text is.
4. Font Size Set the font size you need to use in the text element.
5. Letter Spacing Set the needed distance between letters.
6. Line Height line-height property specifies the height of a line.
7. Text Transform Set the font transformation, if needed (uppercase, capitalize and lowercase).
Not just JS & CSS minification you can also minify the HTML files on 2 different levels, which determines where all links to the files are stored.
Minify CSS: Enabling this will combine all the CSS files of your website and load it as combined static content.
Minify JS: Enabling this will combine all the JS files of the website and load it as combined content. You also have the option to write which all js files you wish to exclude in the minification each entered on a new line for eg: .
Minify HTML: Enabling this will determine the level of minification whether Basic (reducing all the whitespaces and line ends to one) or Advanced (reducing all the whitespaces, the line ends, comments and undisplayed elements).